Sacred Wealth Journey 3: Shift Your Limiting Money Beliefs to Empowered Beliefs
There is really only one way to find our “sweet spot” for wealth, and that’s to work from the inside out, align with our soul blueprint, and live from the place where purpose and prosperity meet.
Now that you know your Sacred Wealth Code you will begin to do the inner work necessary to align with it. This allows you to naturally drawn more wealth toward you, and in ways you never would have expected.
This module will have you:
Discover how you are programmed for wealth and programmed for lackLearn what is blocking you from receiving the wealth you desireLearn exactly how to use your Sacred Wealth Code
This module also includes:
A powerful clearing process to shift your limiting money beliefsTap Into Your Money Flow Meditation
Shift Your Limiting Money Beliefs to Empowered Money Beliefs Worksheet
Click Here to DownloadSacred Wealth Journey Home Page
Sacred Wealth Journey 1: Your Archetypes and Discovering Your Gifts
Sacred Wealth Journey 2: Create Your Wealth Dream and Purpose for Wealth
Sacred Wealth Journey 3: Shift Your Limiting Money Beliefs to Empowered Beliefs
Sacred Wealth Journey 4: Wealth Pillar 1: Purpose Harnessing Your Soul’s Big Why
Sacred Wealth Journey 5: Wealth Pillar 2: PassionDiscover the Essence of Your Fulfillment
Sacred Wealth Journey 6: Wealth Pillar 3: Discover Your High-Value Gifts How to Wield Your Superpowers
Sacred Wealth Journey 7: Wealth Pillar 4: Your Greatest ChallengeThe Unexpected Gateway to Wealth
Sacred Wealth Journey 8: Develop a Deeper Relationship with Your Archetypes to Create Your Wealthy Life
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