Your Sacred Wealth Archetypes are your Wealth Council. They are your guides, feedback team, coaches, and internal mastermind group.
Once you learn how to listen they will share with you everything you need to know to live on purpose and create wealth in alignment with your unique Sacred Wealth Code.
You will learn some simple and powerful ways to connect with your Archetypes on a daily basis.
These guided exercises will help you learn to listen and tap into their wisdom and use it in your day-to-day life to create wealth.
Connecting with Your Archetypes
Discover eight different ways you can connect with your Archetypes to personalize your relationship and engage with their powerful guidance daily to activate your high-value gifts to create more wealth.
Inspired Action Plan
Create a 30-day action plan for engaging with the Four Pillars of your Wealth Code and one or more of your Archetypes on a daily basis.
Clearing Process: Bringing the Shadow into the Light
In this powerful clearing process, you will acknowledge where you are stuck in the shadow on every one of your Archetypes and be guided to access the healing power of your gifts to step out of the shadows into the superpowers of your gifts.