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Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes

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The Magician


The Magician Training
The Magician Tapping In Questions
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Get to Know Your Archetype
The Magician
MANTRA: “I am a master manifestor.”
SOUL DESIRE: To create freedom and make dreams come true.
PURPOSE: To be present and attuned to Universal laws and use them to freely manifest on the earthly plane for the benefit of all.
SHADOW: Manipulative. Egocentric. Narcissistic. Paranoid. Overly materialistic. Greedy.
The Magician is a unique, highly-intelligent, ingenious manifestor whose fluency in both the laws of the Universe and the laws of science makes it possible to create, acquire, and make things happen in the world.
As a Magician, you’re a dynamic master transformer who walks to the beat of your own drummer. With equal footing in both the seen and unseen worlds, transformation and manifestation are your brands of magic. You may be known as an artisan, alchemist, inventor, healer, catalyst, visionary, actor, expert, genius, researcher, consultant, specialist, technician, scientist, psychologist, medicine woman, or shaman.
Whatever your field of focus, you expertly transform situations, influence others, and manifest your vision on the earthly plane for the benefit of humanity.
You’re nontraditional by nature, and the usual social and business categories cannot define you. Being innately tapped into the universal secrets of nature, the cosmos, and the soul gives you an extraordinary scope of knowledge and an evolutionary perspective. You thrive on playing at the edges of what’s “possible,” and aim to transcend time and space as you materialize your vision outside of the ordinary. This also means that you often rock the boat, disrupt the status quo, and agitate situations in an effort to force the essential truths to rise to the top. When you do this, you can alchemically unite only the purest elements of your project with new ideas and energies to create something entirely new.
The underlying gift of your work is that, in the process of transforming everything around you, you also undergo profound personal transformation. Your Magician’s path is riddled with twists and turns, all of which bring great lessons to you and those you serve. “Mind over matter” is your motto; your mind is like a supercomputer, quickly synthesizing information and slicing through the chaos to the truth that transforms.
As a Magician, you are spirited, charismatic, and influential. You often dazzle others with your grand visions and endeavors, which you seem to magically accomplish from the inside out. Your superpowers of evolved consciousness and objectivity make you a trusted advisor.
You are clever, whip-smart, technical, and self-preserving, and possess a fearlessness that others admire. You’re wired to be seen in the world, but are also astutely aware that fame and recognition come with a price. You choose your opportunities wisely, and make it a priority to stay connected to divine wisdom as you transform, manifest, and acquire in the material world.
The Shadow of The Magician
You’re brilliant and masterful in your ability to wield the power of the Universe for your desires. However, when you are using your knowledge solely for personal gain, your ego is taking over, and you can be tempted to manipulate and seize power over others.
If you find yourself manipulating those around you, you’ve slipped over to the dark side, and are dangerously cut off from the Divine. Manipulation is a seductive energy, and can show up very subtly as well as overtly; because you are such a powerful creator, this energy must be nipped in the bud to avoid causing irreparable harm. Eventually, you will get caught in your own tangled web, and create a lot of destruction for yourself and others.
If stressed, you can become hyper-focused, lose your balance, and become overly enamored with things like emotions, substances, or people. Your ability to intensely focus can serve you well, but you can have too much of a good thing. If you’re intoxicated, you are seriously attached, which goes against Universal law and leads to complication and drama. A glass or two of wine is fine―but if you keep drinking, get in your car, and end up in a ditch, drama and suffering will be waiting right around the corner.
You are wired to be a master manifestor, and your true path is to walk with one foot in the spiritual plane and one in the earthly plane. If you put too much focus on what you are manifesting, you will lose touch with the spiritual plane and become too materialistic. Greed is a high price to pay for your power: it will separate you from the Divine, burn important bridges, and distance you from those you love. You can buck every earthly system in pursuit of your magic, but when you start shrugging off the divine laws by which you create, you will feel the consequences. Remember, you always have a choice.
If you find yourself in the shadow of The Magician’s energy, you are disconnected from the source of your being and your true power. It’s high time you pull back from what you are creating, get back to your roots, and connect with a higher vision. Put everything on pause to engage in sacred ritual, go on a vision quest, or book a retreat to re-vision the most aligned path and purpose for your power.
High-Value Gifts
TransformerAlchemistInnovatorTechnical AbilityGreat ResearcherBrings New Forms Into BeingCreative SynthesizerHighly-Skilled ManifestorArtistic Problem SolverSolution OrientedOut-of-the-Box ThinkerTapped Into Universal Consciousness
Inspired Action Plan
“I stay attuned to a higher vision, and use my high-value gifts to help create freedom and make dreams come true for myself and others.”
Tapping In With Your Magician
Consult with your Magician by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.
What are my Magician’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?
Coming Out of the Shadows
What aspects of The Magician’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?
The Magician Archetype Inspiration Guide
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