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The Advocate



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The Advocate



MANTRA: "I align with the greater good for all."

SOUL DESIRE: To support and promote enduring positive social change.

PURPOSE: To be aligned with the Divine and present to the needs of the many in order to champion social change that uplifts humanity.

SHADOW: Self-serving behavior. Ignorance. Over-responsibility.

The Advocate is an outspoken, resourceful, devoted humanitarian whose soul motivation is to support positive social change. As an Advocate, you are in touch with a higher possibility for mankind, and are on a mission to close the gap between the real needs of the everyday people in your field of expertise and the divine ideal for them.

As an Advocate, you may be known as a humanitarian, ally, champion, promoter, consultant, defender, backer, supporter, sponsor, speaker, counselor, lawyer, journalist, blogger, or public relations expert. You have strong opinions, and are driven to champion the rights of others by improving organizations, institutions, communities, relationships, and social systems. You inspire and encourage people to give voice to what needs to be voiced in order to create positive change - even when the stance is unpopular. You are sensitive to what is amiss in social structures, and your "rebellious" streak serves your drive to create change - much like the irritant that develops the pearl. You don't let the important issues rest until justice has been accomplished.

Truth is your language, and you're willing to "fight the good fight" in its defense. You are also attuned to equality in people, and believe there is a place in your mission for anyone who desires to rise to the occasion. You're admired by others as a compassionate leader, and have a unique genius to activate empowerment in others and bind them together in action toward a greater calling. You are the first in the line of falling dominoes: you initiate the action that affects large-scale change.

You have the valuable currency of organization and initiation. You masterfully give form and order to whatever movement you currently serve, and help construct it to stand the test of time. You're a kind soul, and gifted with resilience; in the face of adversity, you gracefully pace yourself and your business or organization to persevere - and, ultimately, to triumph.

In your heart, you know that the balance between dedication to your cause and detachment from the outcome is the key to your overall success. You work best as your own boss, but are also highly valued by any organization fortunate enough to earn your affiliation.

The Shadow of The Advocate

You are powerful, and others look up to you as a leader who is aligned with the greater good. However, if you let your ego lead you away from the truth, you will end up placing your own needs and fulfillment above the needs of the many for whom you are supposed to be taking a stand. This will cause you to fall from grace. Without your platform to stand on, your world will contract with fear, and you will lose your direction, position, and purpose.

They say that ignorance is bliss. Not so for an Advocate. In your case, ignorance is believing that there are no limits to what you can do. If you become ungrounded or overconfident, you can overshoot what is possible, put too much at stake, and fall hard.

If you are stressed, you can become over-responsible when it comes to trying to eliminate others' suffering, and take on burdens that aren't yours to carry. You may also over-identify with what you do and accomplish, and believe that you are loved and valued only for those things. Remember that, although you are a valuable asset to your cause, business, or organization, you are not the only one who can handle a challenge or get the job done. You can be - and are - loved for being, not just doing.

High-Value Gifts

Inspiring Leader
Supports Those In Need
Positive Outlook
Serves a Greater Cause
Willing To Take On Difficult Changes
Speaks The Truth
Sensitive to the Needs of the Masses

Inspired Action Plan

"I align with the Divine to practice personal responsibility, and hone my high-value gifts to support and promote positive social change for the greater good of all."

Tapping In with Your Advocate

Consult with your Advocate by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Advocate's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Advocate's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Advocate Archetype Inspiration Guide

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

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SBP | Archetypes: Artist

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The Artist



The Artist Training

The Artist Tapping In Questions

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The Artist



MANTRA: "I create my visions."

SOUL DESIRE: To creatively express yourself and connect with others through your creations.

PURPOSE: To manifest beauty in the world.

SHADOW: Undervaluing yourself. Perfectionism. Unchecked idealism.

The Artist is a creator, innovator, musician, dancer, performer, writer, or visionary. As an Artist, you have a deep reverence for beauty and can see it almost everywhere. You are inspired by the beauty in the world, and you express the wealth of your visions through your art to uplift the world.

Your primary motivation is to create. Your viewpoint is unique, and needs to be channeled through your chosen medium to full expression in order for you to realize your value. You walk to the beat of your own drummer, and listen to your intuition; you are "inner-referenced." Because you see from the inside out, you're a master of inspired action, and have the ability to make your inspirations a reality that others can see, feel, fear, or touch. You're well-liked and naturally connective, and have a magnetism which enhances your power of attraction; you draw people to you through your creations.

As an Artist, you dwell in your right brain, where you have a plenitude of creative ideas. Typically,  you take a non-traditional approach in your work, and love to forge new ways of doing things. One of your superpowers is to weave ideas and mediums together in new ways. this makes you a valuable resource of creative solutions for logistical, left-brained thinkers.

The Shadow of The Artist

If you are undervaluing yourself, chances are you have a core belief that you are not enough, or not good enough. You were most likely programmed with this belief at an early age by parents, teachers, or peers, simply because these people shared their opinions about you and your artwork. This mindset can undermine your efforts to make money and create wealth from your art.

When you are in the shadow of the Artist, you may see such an idealized vision of what you want to create that you become disappointed - even devastated - when your practical efforts at creation don't match the ideal. When you focus on the faults in your work, or get caught up in perfectionism, you block your creative genius from doing its magic. You might abandon projects before they're complete - or, worse yet, never even start that next great work of art.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Artist, it's important to get back in touch with your purpose, move your body to get out of your head, spend time in nature, and surround yourself with people who appreciate you and your work.

High-Value Gifts

Unique Perspective
Able to See from Multiple Viewpoints
Eye for Beauty and Aesthetics
Power of Attraction
Intense Focus

Inspired Action Plan

"I hone my artistic high-value gifts to create my visions through my chosen artistic medium."

Tapping In With Your Artist

Consult with your Artist by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Artist's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Artist's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Artist Archetype Inspiration Guide

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

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SBP | Archetypes: Celebrity

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The Celebrity



The Celebrity Training

The Celebrity Tapping In Questions

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The Celebrity



MANTRA: "I lead with my light."

SOUL DESIRE: To use the power of radiance to lead and uplift others.

PURPOSE: To uniquely shine my light to lead a successful mission and movement in the world.

SHADOW: Overdramatic. Drama Queen. Self-centered. Egocentric.

The Celebrity is a charismatic, inspiring, and luminous leader who is a powerful trendsetter. As a Celebrity, you were born to shine your radiance into the world. You are often known as an actor, entrepreneur, politician, public figure, model, leader, or famous personality.

You have a dignified presence and alluring mystique, and can attract wealth by being a superstar on the stage of your life and business. Like a rose blooming in the sun, you thrive in the limelight and in front of an audience. You value luxury, are fashionable, and acquire adornments that help you sparkle in your chosen field while you passionately take a stand for the cause, idea, or product you are championing.

You have the high-value currency of luminosity. You naturally project an image of success, and create an impact by creatively attracting attention and notoriety to yourself and your movement. Your unique genius is illuminating solutions to challenging or complex problems. You're generous, and enjoy being a spokesperson for charities near and dear to your heart.

As a Celebrity you are driven by freedom of expression. This also means that you love to make a big, often dramatic, impression. You need to be seen on a platform that serves your purpose, and are always looking for ways to bring your biggest vision to your audience.

Big goals and high expectations - for yourself and for others - are part of your makeup. Your brilliance inspires others to be their best selves, and you do your best work when you are at the helm of a team, company, or organization where you can operate with complete creative license.

The Shadow of The Celebrity

You are the blazing sun at the center of your own solar system, and this self-focus serves you in many ways - but if your ego takes the lead, you can become self-centered and arrogant, and forget that other planets even exist. You lose your generosity and ignore the needs of your team as you spiral into a self-serving mission. When your mission no longer uplifts the world, you have betrayed your faithful followers, and they will abandon your ship, leaving you unsupported as your eventually crash and burn.

Every Celebrity needs a stage where s/he can show up and shine. In order to positively obtain the attention you seek, you need to establish a productive way to be visible through your business, art, or profession, and use that visibility to serve a greater good. If you don't, you will slip into the energy of the Drama Queen, and make it all about you instead of all about what you stand for in the world. This unnecessary drama and over-complication of situations will quickly wear out the people you depend on.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Celebrity, you are cut off from the Divine. Perhaps you are feeling insecure, or are leading from your head without your heart. No matter what the cause it's vital for you to take the time to reconnect with your radiance and the greater mission that truly inspires you, so you can show up and shine in your truest glory.

High-Value Gifts

Authentic Leadership
Creative Expression
Good Director
Inspires Others to be their Best Selves
Shines Radiance that Uplifts Others
Entertains to Bring Joy
Leads by Example
Role Model
Creative Problem Solving

Inspired Action Plan

"I connect my head with my heart and authentically use my high-value gifts to show up on my stage, shine my glorious light, and successfully lead my movement in the world."

Tapping In With Your Celebrity

Consult with your Celebrity by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Celebrity's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Celebrity's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Celebrity Archetype Inspiration Guide

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

Archetypes Member Content SBP

SBP | Archetypes: Collaborator

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The Collaborator



The Collaborator Training

The Collaborator Tapping In Questions

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The Collaborator



MANTRA: "I co-create to create."

SOUL DESIRE: To use your unique genius in connection with others to actualize a vision or goal.

PURPOSE: To create greater good for the global community through authentic partnership.

SHADOW: Needy. Scattered. Overcommitted. Overworked. Over-loyal

The Collaborator is intimately connected to the power of "we," and is a great partner, team builder, colleague, coworker, associate, and assistant.

As a Collaborator, you are a relationship builder who is curious, cooperative, and flourishes as part of a team. You work well in authentic partnerships to bring ideas and projects into fruition for the greater good. You imagine a world where everyone is focused on using their unique genius, and doing what expands and cultivates a collective vision.

Collaborators feed off of the exchange of ideas to manifest a vision, project, or goal. You have the power to mastermind, and do your best work serving as high council to others. You know the indispensable value of a team where everyone is focusing on using their high-value gifts, and believe that the collective succeeds most brilliantly when everyone is focused on doing their part.

You are an integral part of a vision that is greater than your own; you are secure and confident in knowing that we are all greater together, and that you do not need to do it alone. Because you're inclusive, you shine by sharing the high-value currency of your unique gifts in collaboration with others, and are profoundly satisfied when operating as a part of a succeeding team.

Although you are a team builder, you also excel at leading your part of the greater vision. You're reliable, and it's very clear to others that they can count on you to do your part. You know exactly what you're in charge of, and you take charge of it. You act as the "governor" of your part of the project, and loyally execute that part to completion, all while keeping in mind the greater vision of the whole, and the activities of others in the production court.

Even when you're focused on your own projects, you still work best in collaboration with others. You're highly rational; you dig working with other people. If on a solo journey, you can feel cut off and isolated - like you're marooned on a deserted island. When working with others, you feel like a shining link in a valuable chain; whether you or another is creating the exquisite pendant which will hang from it, you are still part of the resulting beauty.

The Shadow of The Collaborator

When your Collaborator becomes needy, it's because you are not getting the recognition you need and deserve as a valuable part of the team. You may be on the wrong team, but feel afraid to make a change or leave a project or job. Your colleagues may want you to be the "workhorse," and take on tasks that you are merely good at, rather than the ones you are exceptional at. Yes, you have an intense need to belong, and work best in authentic partnership - but you shouldn't fear moving on from a team that is not valuing your unique genius.

Your need to be part of a team can lead you to become overly committed and overly loyal. When you don't get the recognition you deserve, you simply try harder. The problem with this approach is that you can work yourself into the ground in the hope of being seen and valued. But, chances are, when you're burned out, exhausted, and miserable, your unique genius is nowhere to be found.

If you're scattered or are questioning every move you make, you have lost your connection with yourself and the greater vision of what you are working on. Without the joyful focus through which you bring projects to completion, you may find yourself spinning in circles. Or, you may become so involved with other people's projects that you lose sight of your own place in the grand scheme.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Collaborator, it's time to step back, reconnect with your purpose and soul desire, and evaluate if those you're working with are recognizing your high-value gifts. Surround yourself with people who love and appreciate you, and you'll soon be back on your game.

High-Value Gifts

Authentic Partner
Team Player
Allows Others to Shine
Focused On Your Part of the Greater Goal

Inspired Action Plan

"I develop my unique genius while remaining connected to the power of 'we,' and focus on using my high-value gifts to co-create with others in service of a bigger vision."

Tapping In With Your Collaborator

Consult with your Collaborator by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Collaborator's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Collaborator's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Collaborator Archetype Inspiration Guide

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

Archetypes Member Content SBP

SBP | Archetypes: Communicator

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The Communicator



The Communicator Training

The Communicator Tapping In Questions

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The Communicator



MANTRA: "Words have power."

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for clarity and growth.

PURPOSE: To speak the truth, and illuminate clarity and understanding for the positive growth of humanity.

SHADOW: Overwhelmed. Sarcastic. Blunt. Pessimistic.

The Communicator knows the power of words to educate,  inform, uplift, grow, transcend, open possibilities, and connect to the truth. The Communicator gathers, processes, and shares information to help uplift humanity.

Communicators are process-oriented and found in all walks of like and professions. As a Communicator, you may be known as a psychologist, counselor, writer, facilitator, mediator, comedian, interpreter, editor, PR person, social media expert, salesperson, or astrologer. Your word is as good as gold, and you expertly use it to share ideas, information, and concepts which help others evolve and grow.

You are friendly, open, clear, direct, and connected to divine truth. All forms of verbal and nonverbal language are your currency. You are gifted with the universal language of metaphor. You have the unique genius to distill and synthesize complex subjects, broad themes, and big-picture ideas, and make them easily understood. This is healing and transformative for others.

You're also gifted with the mindful, Buddha-like energy of discernment and discrimination. This helps you break attachments to what no longer serves, positively re-frame difficult situations, and move on to whatever life has to offer next. This gift is of highest value when you serve others in their growth and development.

You have the superpower of deep listening, and can hear and address the true message of what's being said, even when the speaker is stifled in their expression. You speak from the heart, and can put words to things others can't. You facilitate finding common ground and creating unity.

The Communicator knows a lot of people, and is an innate networker. You can greatly profit from your alchemical genius of putting information, people, and things together in brilliant ways that no one else has considered before.

The Shadow of The Communicator

If you are in the shadow energy of the Communicator, your words can be blunt, like cudgels, or razor-sharp sarcastic with the power to cut another down. Your words can do more harm than good. If you don't check yourself, you can hurt those you love and care about.

If you are unfocused, multi-tasking too much, or involved in too many projects, you will end up overwhelmed. Trying to process too much at once leaves you all over the map, and not achieving any of your goals.

When stressed, you mentally spin, and are negative and pessimistic. You're in a fog, and don't see or translate things clearly. This leads to major breakdowns in communication and painful misinterpretations and misunderstandings.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Communicator, you have too many plates in the air, or are trying to be too many things to too many people. It's time to take some personal time to quiet your mind with meditation, deep relaxation, and time in nature; once you reboot your mindfulness and restore your clarity, your brilliant mind will put everything in order once again.

High-Value Gifts

Deep Listener
Gifted Writer
Gifted Speaker
Mental Brilliance
Catalyst for Growth

Inspired Action Plan

"I am committed to practicing presence and mindfulness so I can continue to grow and dedicate my high-value gifts to serve the growth and evolution of humanity."

Tapping In With Your Communicator

Consult with your Communicator by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Communicator's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Communicator's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Communicator Archetype Inspiration Guide

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

Archetypes Member Content SBP

SBP | Archetypes: Connector

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The Connector



The Connector Training

The Connector Tapping In Questions

Get to Know Your Archetype

The Connector



MANTRA: "We are all One"

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for eternal belonging-ness.

PURPOSE: To be a centralizing force for humanity, and bring the world together.

SHADOW: People-pleasing. Loss of self. Overly attached. Codependent. Too comfortable.

The Connector is a sensitive, heart-centered person who primary desire is to be in deep connection to self, Source, and others.

As a Connector, you are a finely-skilled relationship artist who is often known as a counselor, networked, diplomat, teacher, or human relations specialist. You put a high value on relationships, and have a unique ability to meet people exactly where they are with intimacy, compassion, and understanding.

The Connector is keenly aware that we're all divinely connected. As a Connector, you're at home and flourish in the company of others, and your actions remind us that we are all one. You're social, community-oriented, and a natural networker. You have a wealth of relationships, and communication is your currency. You are gifted with a deep well of inspiration that gives you the golden threads of connectivity to weave together people with people, people with opportunities, and people with themselves.

You have an inherent magnetism that draws others to you, and makes them immediately comfortable in your presence. People quickly open up to share their innermost desires and challenges with you. You are like a warm, safe haven for people in need.

Connectors are harmonious beings, and get along well with others. You have the high-value gift of empathy, and easily feel the needs of other people, animals, plants, and the world around you. Because you tap into the essence of things, you often see or feel directly into the heart of what's going on beneath the surface. You also have the valuable gift of problem-solving; you see how sometimes unlikely things fit together, and seek to connect others with the best possible solutions.

Your gift of communication is extremely valuable, and you can profit by authentically relating to others using your innate gifts of compassion, understanding, and inspiration. You are diplomatic, and a centralizing force for humanity; your superpower is bringing the world together. You are fascinated with human drama, and seek to inspire the cast of characters in the play of your life to be their best selves.

The Shadow of The Connector

If you are people-pleasing, it's because you want everyone to be happy - but also because you want to be liked, which is simply not possible all of the time. Underneath your smiles, you're afraid of losing love and security, and being left alone. When you feel insecure, you become self-negating and overly attached to people and outcomes. This leaves you feeling unseen, misunderstood, powerless, and often ineffective toward your goals. You can also stay in harmful or debilitating relationships long past their prime.

Because you are empathetic and can connect so intimately with others, you can lose yourself and become codependent unless you maintain a strong spiritual anchor. In fact, you may take on other people's energy and problems like they are your own without even knowing it! When this happens, it is because you're misinterpreting what love truly is, and feel like you need others to need you in order to feel loved. This is painful, and flat out soul-squashing. Neediness will wear you out, blind you to the goodness in life, hijack your dreams, and leave you mired in drama.

Connectors like luxury and comfort, and can err on the side of remaining attached to comfortable things - jobs, material goods, and relationships - instead of stepping into their full potential.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Connector's energy, you're giving too much of what others want, and not enough of your true high-value gifts. It's time to come back home to your divine connection, and put your personal and spiritual needs first. Spend some time in nature or on a retreat to get intimately reacquainted with your purpose and mission before returning to service.

High-Value Gifts

Good Networker
Creative Communicator
Highly Connective
Spiritually Connective
Creates a Sense of Belonging
Intuitively Knows What Others Need and Want

Inspired Action Plan

"I connect with myself, Source, and then others. When I do this, I can effectively use my high-value gifts of inspiration and communication as my currency to remind others that relationships are a reflection of divinity."

Tapping In With Your Connector

Consult with your Connector by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Connector's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Connector's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Connector Archetype Inspiration Guide

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

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SBP | Archetypes: Engineer

Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes

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The Engineer



The Engineer Training

The Engineer Tapping In Questions

Get to Know Your Archetype

The Engineer



MANTRA: "Every problem has a solution."

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for discovering a better way.

PURPOSE: To discover and apply better paths of action for positive change in the world.

SHADOW: Negative. Self-judging. Arrogant. Aggressive. Over-analytical.

The Engineer is fascinated by what makes things tick, and is highly gifted when it comes to designing better solutions to all of life's issues.

As an Engineer, your approach to life and work is curious, creative, practical, technical, logical, and focused. You are determined to solve problems and design new ways of getting the results you desire. The brilliance of The Engineer can be seen everywhere in the world. You improve the way we live, work, travel, communicate, stay healthy, build things, care for the environment, market, entertain, and uplift the world. You are found in all trades and professions.

You're inherently curious, and have the high-value currency of bettering, fixing, adjusting, altering, and solving everyday problems. You are deeply satisfied by exploring the inner workings of things. You're an enthusiastic researcher, and readily absorb information to be analyzed; then, you put your creative spin on your analysis in order to design the best solution. You are highly valued as the logical, perceptive, and discriminating go-to person to solve the problem at hand, create a practical design for a new idea, or to discover a better way to get the job done. You are never short of puzzles to solve.

As an Engineer, you are a master of energy - and your energy must be productively channeled. You process information as an introvert, but express it as an extrovert. Being spiritually aligned is of utmost importance to your self-discipline, as well as your ability to abundantly create and prosper on the material plane.

You're hardworking, competent, and dedicated to getting results. You are indispensable to Visionaries (and Visionary companies) because you can take an idea and create the practical nuts and bolts necessary to make it a reality and put it to good use. You're independent by nature, but manifest best in the company of others as the leader of a team.

The Shadow of The Engineer

If you're not grounded and attuned with your body, you are probably over-analytical and stuck in your head with a disregard for emotions - including your own. You become frustrated and arrogant, full of "shoulds" and judgments to make other people wrong. You can also become overly aggressive. This is detrimental to problem-solving, especially when those problems include the human equation. When you go into this place, your relationships will suffer.

If you find yourself in the shadow of Engineer energy, you are spiritually cut off. You are stuck in your head, and your ego has taken over. It is time to get a spiritual reboot by getting grounded in your body through physical activity and being in nature, so you can remaster your energy and get back in touch with your purpose and mission.

High-Value Gifts

Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Hard Worker
Focused on Results
Gifted Designer
Practical Application of Ideas

Inspired Action Plan

"I maintain my spiritual connection to guide my high-value gifts of problem solving and designing to create a better future for all."

Tapping In With Your Engineer

Consult with your Engineer by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Engineer's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Engineer's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Engineer Archetype Inspiration Guide

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

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SBP | Archetypes: Great Nurturer

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The Great Nurturer



The Great Nurturer Training

The Great Nurturer Tapping In Questions

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The Great Nurturer



MANTRA: "I give and I receive nourishment."

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for unconditional love, abundance, and growth.

PURPOSE: To nurture growth and create community.

SHADOW: Over-giving. Martyrdom. Over-emotional. Over-attached.

The Great Nurturer is a mother, teacher, humanitarian, supporter, coordinator, gardener, problem solver, counselor, caregiver, and healer. When you embody this Archetype you are deeply in touch with the life pulse of humanity and the planet. You're a conduit for unconditional love, patience, caring, and nourishment.

Your first priority is to give substance and sustenance where it's needed to nurture life. You know you're on purpose when you're fulfilling your deep need to be of service. You feel truly fulfilled at the end of the day when you know in your heart that you've mad a difference for someone.

You are highly sensitive, feel the needs of the masses, and thrive on connection. You intuit what others need in order to grow and develop to the next level. You're gifted with the knowledge of what to give to others so they can grow on their own terms, and refrain from disempowering them by doing it for them. You feed the roots of the tree, so that its branches may grow strong and abundant.

You have a special gift for brining people together, and can create your own flourishing community. This also makes you highly valuable to leaders and organizations, because you create a supportive culture that attracts the right people while growing the soul and mission of the business.

As a Nurturer, you are a creatrix - a feminine creator. Like Mother Nature herself, what you touch and pour your love into grows vibrant and strong. You tend the garden of life. Therefore, it is essential that you act as the creatrix in your own life first and foremost, and create your soul's calling. Otherwise, you can err on the side of helping others too much with their projects, and put too little energy into your own.

The Shadow of The Great Nurturer

If you are playing the Martyr - moaning about how much you do for others, and that no one does anything for you - then you are stuck in over-giving. You feel obligated to give to others, and believe that you have no choice but to do what's "expected" of you. This results in feelings of resentment, anger, and isolation.

You're intensely connected to your feelings, and care profoundly for the people in your life. However, when you carry the burden of other people's pain, the pain of the masses, or the pain of the planet, you lose touch with your divine connection. You can become over-emotional and even depressed.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Great Nurturer's energy, you are seriously undernourished. It is time to feed your body, heart, and soul by eating life-giving foods, reading something soul-inspiring, working on your own projects, and spending time with dear ones who give you the love you need. Only when you feel filled up again should you do anything for anyone else.

High-Value Gifts

Attractive to Others
Sees the Best in People

Inspired Action Plan

"I nourish my body and soul first, so I may abundantly use my high-value gifts to nurture others with exactly what they need to grow and do for themselves."

Tapping In With Your Great Nurturer

Consult with your Great Nurturer by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Great Nurturer's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Great Nurturer's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Great Nurturer Archetype Inspiration Guide

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

Archetypes Member Content SBP

SBP | Archetypes: Honorable Warrior

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The Honorable Warrior



The Honorable Warrior Training

The Honorable Warrior Tapping In Questions

Get to Know Your Archetype

The Honorable Warrior



MANTRA: "I take a stand for positive change."

SOUL DESIRE: To pursue personal excellence and world change through courageous acts.

PURPOSE: To stand for honorable causes that evoke your strengths and be an agent for positive change.

SHADOW: Rescuer. Narcissistic. Volatile. Self-neglecting.

The Honorable Warrior is empowered with confidence, courage, determination, and drive to be a champion for worthy causes and create positive change in the world.

As an Honorable Warrior, you are a strong, brave, passionate, hardworking, loyal, action-oriented spiritual warrior who is guided by a higher power. You're known as a protector, athlete, boss, executive, soldier, advocate, liberator, defender, lawyer, politician, champion, or hero. You're in tune with the balance of power between light and dark, and are willing to fight the good fight for a cause in which you strongly believe. You will stand for the underdog when they can't stand for themselves, and are at your best when you're saving the world.

As the Honorable Warrior, you are perpetually in the pursuit of personal excellence, and are most fulfilled when protecting those you care for while taking a stand for a noble cause. You have the enduring passion to achieve your heart's desires, and the focus, will, and ambition to reach your goals. You have the superpowers of ambition and motivation, and can light a fire under others that motivates them to reach for their goals.

You're a good leader, independent, and in full charge of your domain. You can take action on your own while being a part of a greater cause or organization, but you also know the power of interdependence, and that it takes a team to achieve the largest goals. You thrive when surrounded by comrades, and have a wealth of inspiration for your brothers and sisters to be a little braver (and up their game through healthy competition) as you continually take your life and ambitions to the next level.

The Honorable Warrior is known as a driving forge. You're disciplined, and know that "where there's a will, there's a way." You take great pride in any mission you're involved in, so when representing another's mission, you're viewed as an invaluable asset because you will take action as if it were your own.

You have the high-value currency of productivity. You "just do it," and get things done. You're highly valuable to any project or organization you're a part of.

The Shadow of The Honorable Warrior

The Honorable Warrior will go on a rescue mission when it is truly needed, but can sometimes fall into the negative pattern of the Rescuer. The Rescuer has misguided attachments, and needs to be needed to feel worthy.

If you're playing the part of the Rescuer, you are refusing to see the divine wholeness in others; instead, you see only their weaknesses. You need a Victim to rescue to feel valued and loved. This can lead to codependency and disempowerment for both the Rescuer and Victim.

Because you sometimes let ambition get the best of you, and tend to work even harder when times are tough, you tend to neglect yourself. This will leave you stressed, burned out, and cut off from divine guidance. Your narcissistic tendencies will them emerge, and you may end up compromising your values to "win," or use control to get what you want at any cost. This must be avoided, as it is highly detrimental not only to you, but to all concerned.

If you are not actively fighting a good and worthy fight in the world, you can become highly volatile and engage in aggressive behavior - even to the point where you cause harm to those you love. You need to be wary of becoming addicted to confrontation, as you will eventually alienate yourself as well as those around you.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Honorable Warrior, your ego has edged out the Divine. You replenish and reconnect best through right action, so it is time to reinstate a regular exercise program that will make you sweat regularly and take the edge off your ambition. You should also reconnect with proper mentorship to guide you in your purpose, and recommit to a daily spiritual practice.

High-Value Gifts

Creates Change
Pursuit of Excellence

Inspired Action Plan

"I honor and follow divine direction to be empowered with my high-value gifts, commit to a worthy cause, and wholeheartedly serve to create positive change in the world."

Tapping In With Your Honorable Warrior

Consult with your Honorable Warrior by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Honorable Warrior's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Honorable Warrior's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Honorable Warrior Archetype Inspiration Guide

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

Archetypes Member Content SBP

SBP | Archetypes: King

Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes

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The King



The King Training

The King Tapping In Questions

Get to Know Your Archetype

The King



MANTRA: "I powerfully lead my vision."

SOUL DESIRE: To expertly use power for higher order, growth, and security.

PURPOSE: To excel at creating a resilient and wealth business, Community, or organization.

SHADOW: Director. Over-controlling. Greedy. Entitled. Isolated.

The King is a luminous, regal, empowered, and soulful leader who is in pursuit of excellence in all things. Known as the CEO, spiritual leader, president, politician, authority, commander, judge, superintendent, executive, controller, supervisor, or chief, he is in complete charge of his domain and expertly drives it to a higher level of prosperity and success.

As a King, you’re sovereign, creative, and autonomous in the way you live and lead your life and mission. You’re on a quest with a big vision, and nobly take full responsibility for the success of your endeavors. You’re rich in worldly knowledge, but receive your ultimate direction from the Divine. Your superpower is leadership, and you take a stand for a higher order to create positive change, growth, and security for your kingdom.

You’re highly valued for your brilliance, ability to solve complex problems, and expertise in producing results. You powerfully drive yourself and those you lead to achieve higher goals. As soon as you reach the top of one mountain, you’ve already devised and executed a plan of action to conquer the next. Because you know the essence of a true leader is to teach others to lead, you always have a strong and trusted administration to help you implement your plan for achieving your mission.

You’re potently tapped into the currency of Universal power, and use it to manifest and receive spiritual and material wealth. You’re inherently generous, and love to share. Security for the future is important for you and your people, so protection of people and resources is built into your overall plans.

Kings magnify their brilliance and power by being well-connected. You excel at developing strategic relationships that help carry out your mission.

The Shadow of The King

You’re committed to excellence, but sometimes you can slip into entitlement and greed. When this happens, you become a self-serving dictator. Fearing you will lose power, money, or control, you become self-centered. You get too attached to money and personal gain, misuse your power and your people, and eventually fall from grace. Your administration loses trust in you as you hurt those you care about and who are essential to the success of your mission.

If stressed, you can forget the true essence of leadership and become over-controlling. This leads you to disempower your administration by over-ruling and micromanaging them. But, since it’s impossible to achieve your goals without your team, this is actually detrimental and can lead to the total demise of your success.

It can be lonely at the top. Because you are so concerned about creating security for the future, you forget to be present and enjoy what you have now. All work and no play will leave you feeling isolated and alone―so don’t be afraid to get out there and party with the commoners every once in a while!

High-Value Gifts

Strong Leadership
Long-Range Vision
Creates Positive Change and Growth
Excels in Chosen Field
Shines in the Public Eye
Solves Complex Problems
Gets Desired Results
Provides Security
Knows How to Create and Implement a Successful Plan

Inspired Action Plan

"I tap into the higher power of Spirit to guide me in the pursuit of excellence. I use my high-value gifts to benevolently lead my mission for the greater good of my people."

Tapping In With Your King

Consult with your King by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my King's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The King's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The King Archetype Inspiration Guide

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved