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Going bigger training and process

How to tune into what you are being called to expand into and master so you can reach the next level of growth for your life and business.

Going Bigger Audio

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Going Bigger Worksheet

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Going Bigger Q and A

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Navratri – 9 Day Celebration Of The Divine Feminine

On these nine days every year after the new moon that follows the autumn equinox we learn to further embody the divine feminine through honor the goddesses Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.

Durga Clearing Process

With the help of the Goddess Durga’s energy clear the weeds and stones from your garden [fear, limiting beliefs, false beliefs].

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Divine Guidance Process

A short series of questions to ask your soul to get deeper information and guidance where ever you are on your path whether you are in a good place and just curious for more information or dealing with a challenge.

Divine Guidance Process

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Divine Guidance Process Worksheet

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SBP | Archetypes: Advocate

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The Advocate



The Advocate Training

The Advocate Tapping In Questions

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Get to Know Your Archetype

The Advocate



MANTRA: “I align with the greater good for all.”

SOUL DESIRE: To support and promote enduring positive social change.

PURPOSE: To be aligned with the Divine and present to the needs of the many in order to champion social change that uplifts humanity.

SHADOW: Self-serving behavior. Ignorance. Over-responsibility.

The Advocate is an outspoken, resourceful, devoted humanitarian whose soul motivation is to support positive social change. As an Advocate, you are in touch with a higher possibility for mankind, and are on a mission to close the gap between the real needs of the everyday people in your field of expertise and the divine ideal for them.

As an Advocate, you may be known as a humanitarian, ally, champion, promoter, consultant, defender, backer, supporter, sponsor, speaker, counselor, lawyer, journalist, blogger, or public relations expert. You have strong opinions, and are driven to champion the rights of others by improving organizations, institutions, communities, relationships, and social systems. You inspire and encourage people to give voice to what needs to be voiced in order to create positive change – even when the stance is unpopular. You are sensitive to what is amiss in social structures, and your “rebellious” streak serves your drive to create change – much like the irritant that develops the pearl. You don’t let the important issues rest until justice has been accomplished.

Truth is your language, and you’re willing to “fight the good fight” in its defense. You are also attuned to equality in people, and believe there is a place in your mission for anyone who desires to rise to the occasion. You’re admired by others as a compassionate leader, and have a unique genius to activate empowerment in others and bind them together in action toward a greater calling. You are the first in the line of falling dominoes: you initiate the action that affects large-scale change.

You have the valuable currency of organization and initiation. You masterfully give form and order to whatever movement you currently serve, and help construct it to stand the test of time. You’re a kind soul, and gifted with resilience; in the face of adversity, you gracefully pace yourself and your business or organization to persevere – and, ultimately, to triumph.

In your heart, you know that the balance between dedication to your cause and detachment from the outcome is the key to your overall success. You work best as your own boss, but are also highly valued by any organization fortunate enough to earn your affiliation.

The Shadow of The Advocate

You are powerful, and others look up to you as a leader who is aligned with the greater good. However, if you let your ego lead you away from the truth, you will end up placing your own needs and fulfillment above the needs of the many for whom you are supposed to be taking a stand. This will cause you to fall from grace. Without your platform to stand on, your world will contract with fear, and you will lose your direction, position, and purpose.

They say that ignorance is bliss. Not so for an Advocate. In your case, ignorance is believing that there are no limits to what you can do. If you become ungrounded or overconfident, you can overshoot what is possible, put too much at stake, and fall hard.

If you are stressed, you can become over-responsible when it comes to trying to eliminate others’ suffering, and take on burdens that aren’t yours to carry. You may also over-identify with what you do and accomplish, and believe that you are loved and valued only for those things. Remember that, although you are a valuable asset to your cause, business, or organization, you are not the only one who can handle a challenge or get the job done. You can be – and are – loved for being, not just doing.

High-Value Gifts

Inspiring LeaderTrustableSupports Those In NeedPositive OutlookServes a Greater CauseWilling To Take On Difficult ChangesCompassionateSpeaks The TruthPerseverentOrganizedSensitive to the Needs of the Masses

Inspired Action Plan

“I align with the Divine to practice personal responsibility, and hone my high-value gifts to support and promote positive social change for the greater good of all.”

Tapping In with Your Advocate

Consult with your Advocate by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Advocate’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Advocate’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Advocate Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Archetypes: Administrator

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The Administrator



The Administrator Training

The Administrator Tapping In Questions

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Get to Know Your Archetype

The Administrator



MANTRA: “I walk with a foot in both the earthly and spiritual worlds.”

SOUL DESIRE: To be a grounded, social service-oriented leader who preserves and uplifts humanity.

PURPOSE: To responsibly lead and create practical systems and structures for the well-being of people, communities, and organizations.

SHADOW: Inner Critic. Over-Responsibility. Limited Viewpoint.

The Administrator is a grounded, persevering, service-oriented leader who is tapped into Universal truth as a guiding principle. The greatest purpose of the Administrator is to organize energy into its proper, practical form – the form which most positively serves humanity.

As an Administrator, you are dedicated to establishing systems and structures that support the success and well-being of organizations and their people. You’re often known as a leader, authority, teacher, controller, director, broker, agent, officer, executive, manager, spiritual leader, captain, supervisor, boss, or inspector.

Administrators expertly implement the prosperous hierarchy of progress and sustainability, and are therefore most at home running or managing a business, organization, project, or team. As an Administrator, you are not afraid to take risks – but you do prefer a calculate, consciously-designed approach to implementing big ideas. Patience and perseverance are two of your high-value gifts; they help you maintain equanimity so you can expertly regulate progress and quality of life for others.

You’re a powerful leader and also can be an excellent entrepreneur who leads within a business or organization. You have the superpower of implementing process-based action, and are greatly respected for your innate ability to turn abstract concepts into practical action steps that others can follow to achieve what they want.

You have the currency of both earthly and spiritual wisdom, and confidently walk with a foot in both worlds. This gives you the detachment and objectivity you need to be of great service for all. You have a democratic approach, and put the needs of the many before the needs of the one. You’re naturally disciplined in the true essence of the word; decibel of the One. You are valued for your reliability, systematic outlook, good boundaries, and longevity-based vision. You thrive when you have rhythm and routine in your work and personal life.

The Shadow of The Administrator

If judgment gets the best of you, your Inner Critic takes over. You may become attached to a perfect order or idea that exists nowhere near the realm of real possibility. Your Inner Critic may also tell you that, if you were worth your weight in salt, you should be able to make this 1000-foot-high jump. You end up harshly judging yourself, thinking that if anyone can do it, you should be able to. Failing to live up to your misguided standard is hell for you – and for everyone concerned with the situation. When you get into this pattern, you will spiral into negativity and self-torture as you desperately try to live up to the impossibly far-fetched standards of your Inner Critic. Needless to say, it’s in your best interest – and the best interest of everyone around you – to avoid this scenario at all costs.

If you feel stressed because you’ve taken on too much work. then you can slip into over-responsibility. To avoid this, you must be clear about what you are truly responsible for, and stay in integrity with yourself. Otherwise, you will break down, wear out, get sick, or become depressed. Even the workhorse must remember to rest, or he will eventually end up limping and lame.

Everyone and everything has limits. If you are not in touch with yours, you will break down or fail. If you are stuck in a limiting viewpoint, you will find only obstacles and reasons why something can’t happen, and may end up whining, complaining, and experiencing intense self-defeat. Instead, try to see the big picture, and all of the ways you can use your divine gifts to make it happen.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Administrator, you have lost your footing in the spiritual world, and are firmly planted inside the limits of 3-D reality. It’s time for a retreat, spiritual pilgrimage, or deep dive into a sacred text to quench your parched spiritual thirst and come home again to the balance of living in both worlds.

High-Value Gifts

Natural LeaderSystematicTakes Practical ActionSelf-DisciplinedHighly ResponsibleEstablished Productive Systems and StructuresService-OrientedCommunity-MindedConsiders the Good of AllProcess-OrientedPromotes SustainabilityPerseveres Through Adveristy

Inspired Action Plan

“I practice the spiritual art of detachment to remain balanced in my high-value gifts, and lead those around me in establishing systems and structures that practically uplift humanity.”

Tapping In with Your Administrator

Consult with your Administrator by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Administrator’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Administrator’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Administrator Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Archetypes: Celebrity

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The Celebrity



The Celebrity Training

The Celebrity Tapping In Questions

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Get to Know Your Archetype

The Celebrity



MANTRA: “I lead with my light.”

SOUL DESIRE: To use the power of radiance to lead and uplift others.

PURPOSE: To uniquely shine my light to lead a successful mission and movement in the world.

SHADOW: Overdramatic. Drama Queen. Self-centered. Egocentric.

The Celebrity is a charismatic, inspiring, and luminous leader who is a powerful trendsetter. As a Celebrity, you were born to shine your radiance into the world. You are often known as an actor, entrepreneur, politician, public figure, model, leader, or famous personality.

You have a dignified presence and alluring mystique, and can attract wealth by being a superstar on the stage of your life and business. Like a rose blooming in the sun, you thrive in the limelight and in front of an audience. You value luxury, are fashionable, and acquire adornments that help you sparkle in your chosen field while you passionately take a stand for the cause, idea, or product you are championing.

You have the high-value currency of luminosity. You naturally project an image of success, and create an impact by creatively attracting attention and notoriety to yourself and your movement. Your unique genius is illuminating solutions to challenging or complex problems. You’re generous, and enjoy being a spokesperson for charities near and dear to your heart.

As a Celebrity you are driven by freedom of expression. This also means that you love to make a big, often dramatic, impression. You need to be seen on a platform that serves your purpose, and are always looking for ways to bring your biggest vision to your audience.

Big goals and high expectations – for yourself and for others – are part of your makeup. Your brilliance inspires others to be their best selves, and you do your best work when you are at the helm of a team, company, or organization where you can operate with complete creative license.

The Shadow of The Celebrity

You are the blazing sun at the center of your own solar system, and this self-focus serves you in many ways – but if your ego takes the lead, you can become self-centered and arrogant, and forget that other planets even exist. You lose your generosity and ignore the needs of your team as you spiral into a self-serving mission. When your mission no longer uplifts the world, you have betrayed your faithful followers, and they will abandon your ship, leaving you unsupported as your eventually crash and burn.

Every Celebrity needs a stage where s/he can show up and shine. In order to positively obtain the attention you seek, you need to establish a productive way to be visible through your business, art, or profession, and use that visibility to serve a greater good. If you don’t, you will slip into the energy of the Drama Queen, and make it all about you instead of all about what you stand for in the world. This unnecessary drama and over-complication of situations will quickly wear out the people you depend on.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Celebrity, you are cut off from the Divine. Perhaps you are feeling insecure, or are leading from your head without your heart. No matter what the cause it’s vital for you to take the time to reconnect with your radiance and the greater mission that truly inspires you, so you can show up and shine in your truest glory.

High-Value Gifts

Authentic LeadershipCreative ExpressionGood DirectorInspires Others to be their Best SelvesShines Radiance that Uplifts OthersEntertains to Bring JoyLeads by ExampleRole ModelCreative Problem SolvingSelf-Motivated

Inspired Action Plan

“I connect my head with my heart and authentically use my high-value gifts to show up on my stage, shine my glorious light, and successfully lead my movement in the world.”

Tapping In With Your Celebrity

Consult with your Celebrity by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Celebrity’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Celebrity’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Celebrity Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Archetypes: Artist

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The Artist



The Artist Training

The Artist Tapping In Questions

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Get to Know Your Archetype

The Artist



MANTRA: “I create my visions.”

SOUL DESIRE: To creatively express yourself and connect with others through your creations.

PURPOSE: To manifest beauty in the world.

SHADOW: Undervaluing yourself. Perfectionism. Unchecked idealism.

The Artist is a creator, innovator, musician, dancer, performer, writer, or visionary. As an Artist, you have a deep reverence for beauty and can see it almost everywhere. You are inspired by the beauty in the world, and you express the wealth of your visions through your art to uplift the world.

Your primary motivation is to create. Your viewpoint is unique, and needs to be channeled through your chosen medium to full expression in order for you to realize your value. You walk to the beat of your own drummer, and listen to your intuition; you are “inner-referenced.” Because you see from the inside out, you’re a master of inspired action, and have the ability to make your inspirations a reality that others can see, feel, fear, or touch. You’re well-liked and naturally connective, and have a magnetism which enhances your power of attraction; you draw people to you through your creations.

As an Artist, you dwell in your right brain, where you have a plenitude of creative ideas. Typically,  you take a non-traditional approach in your work, and love to forge new ways of doing things. One of your superpowers is to weave ideas and mediums together in new ways. this makes you a valuable resource of creative solutions for logistical, left-brained thinkers.

The Shadow of The Artist

If you are undervaluing yourself, chances are you have a core belief that you are not enough, or not good enough. You were most likely programmed with this belief at an early age by parents, teachers, or peers, simply because these people shared their opinions about you and your artwork. This mindset can undermine your efforts to make money and create wealth from your art.

When you are in the shadow of the Artist, you may see such an idealized vision of what you want to create that you become disappointed – even devastated – when your practical efforts at creation don’t match the ideal. When you focus on the faults in your work, or get caught up in perfectionism, you block your creative genius from doing its magic. You might abandon projects before they’re complete – or, worse yet, never even start that next great work of art.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Artist, it’s important to get back in touch with your purpose, move your body to get out of your head, spend time in nature, and surround yourself with people who appreciate you and your work.

High-Value Gifts

ImaginativeCuriousUnique PerspectiveAble to See from Multiple ViewpointsEye for Beauty and AestheticsPower of AttractionIntense Focus

Inspired Action Plan

“I hone my artistic high-value gifts to create my visions through my chosen artistic medium.”

Tapping In With Your Artist

Consult with your Artist by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Artist’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Artist’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Artist Archetype Inspiration Guide

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