Sacred Wealth Code® Reading
This reading could be the ONE THING that you need to align yourself, your work and/or your business with the prosperity, purpose, and success already drawn for you![/text_block]

This is a one-time special offer for $69
(over 25% off the regular price of $97)

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Not following your Wealth Code can lead to:

- Feeling – and being – stuck in your business or career
- Not enough ideal clients
- Being underpaid for your skills and talents
- Not using your highest-value gifts and abilities
- Selling your soul by doing work you don’t love, simply because it pays

What you’ll get:

- Prema will personally create and read your Vedic Astrology chart to reveal YOUR Sacred Wealth Code (downloadable PDF)
- Sacred Wealth Code Video Training (downloadable)
- Sacred Wealth Code Activation Meditation (downloadable)


What People Are Saying:

I get a lot of astrology done, even Vedic Astrology. That’s because I want to make sure that anything I do has the full support of the planetary forces behind me, and most importantly is in alignment with my higher calling and Soul Blueprint. Prema has helped me see my Sacred Wealth Code with great clarity, something that I’ve always felt called towards, but had no idea it was actually written in my Soul Blueprint. What I loved about my Sacred Wealth Code reading with her was the fact that she combines insight with strategy, allowing me to know HOW to move forward to claim my true destiny!”
Lorna Li – Entrepreneurs For A Change

As I read the descriptions of my Sacred Wealth Code archetypes, I felt like I saw my whole life coming together. So many past and present experiences became connected and aligned to what I know to be my calling in the world.
It brought tears to my eyes to read such a deep description of me – my traits, my shadows, what I stand for in the world. Having this guidebook to my soul empowered me to break six figures this year! I feel like I can sink deeper into my strengths and be consciously aware of my shadow behaviors. Prema’s gifts and insights with Vedic Astrology are not to be underestimated. As always, she brings divine information down to the practical level ready to be used immediately. This is an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to take their movement to higher levels.
Rebecca Loveless – Educational Consultant