Sacred Wealth Code Live Reading
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©Copyright 2013-2023 | All Rights Reserved
Sacred Wealth Code Live Reading
This reading could be the ONE THING that you need to align yourself, your work and/or your business with the prosperity, purpose, and success already drawn for you!
This Personal Reading Includes:
Sacred Wealth Code LIVE Reading (20 mins – recording provided)Sacred Wealth Code Personal Reading created by Prema (downloadable PDF)Sacred Wealth Code Video Training (downloadable)Sacred Wealth Code Activation Meditation (downloadable PM3)
Not following your Wealth Code can lead to:
Feeling – and being – stuck in your business or careerNot enough ideal clientsBeing underpaid for your skills and talentsNot using your highest-value gifts and abilitiesSelling your soul by doing work you don’t love, simply because it pays
Here’s how it works:
Prema will personally create and read your Vedic Astrology chart to reveal your Sacred Wealth Code.
You will receive an email containing a link to give you access to your video training, meditation and a form to complete your birth information, so Prema can create your chart and access your Soul Blueprint. Your personal Sacred Wealth Code reading will be emailed to you within 48 hours.
In the meantime, you can begin my Activating Your Wealth Code training class that will show you how to use your Sacred Wealth Code to unlock your divine gifts, create wealth, and experience success.
You will also receive access to my bonus meditation, which you can use every single day to guide you in accessing, activating, and receiving direction from your Sacred Wealth Code. This direction gives you the inspired actions you’ll need to take in order to align with the peace and prosperity you long for!
It’s time to let ALL of your Archetypes shine! You are a BEAUTIFUL person with so much to offer. Experience a magical, sacred homecoming to yourself – begin your journey toward happiness and prosperity, today.
Upgrade to a LIVE Reading for Only $100
© Copyright 2013-2023 | All Rights Reserved
Sacred Wealth Code Live Reading
This reading could be the ONE THING that you need to align yourself, your work and/or your business with the prosperity, purpose, and success already drawn for you!
This Personal Reading Includes:
Sacred Wealth Code LIVE Reading (30 mins – recording provided)Sacred Wealth Code Personal Reading created by Prema (downloadable PDF)Sacred Wealth Code Video Training (downloadable)Sacred Wealth Code Activation Meditation (downloadable PM3)
Not following your Wealth Code can lead to:
Feeling – and being – stuck in your business or careerNot enough ideal clientsBeing underpaid for your skills and talentsNot using your highest-value gifts and abilitiesSelling your soul by doing work you don’t love, simply because it pays
Here’s how it works:
Prema will personally create and read your Vedic Astrology chart to reveal your Sacred Wealth Code.
You will receive an email containing a link to give you access to your video training, meditation and a form to complete your birth information, so Prema can create your chart and access your Soul Blueprint. Your personal Sacred Wealth Code reading will be emailed to you within 48 hours.
In the meantime, you can begin my Activating Your Wealth Code training class that will show you how to use your Sacred Wealth Code to unlock your divine gifts, create wealth, and experience success.
You will also receive access to my bonus meditation, which you can use every single day to guide you in accessing, activating, and receiving direction from your Sacred Wealth Code. This direction gives you the inspired actions you’ll need to take in order to align with the peace and prosperity you long for!
It’s time to let ALL of your Archetypes shine! You are a BEAUTIFUL person with so much to offer. Experience a magical, sacred homecoming to yourself – begin your journey toward happiness and prosperity, today.
Upgrade to a LIVE Reading for Only $297 ($100 off the regular price of $397)
Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.
©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved
Sacred Wealth Code Quantum Leap Live Reading Session
This reading is LIVE with Prema. Ideal for those who want real-time support to gain clarity, remove energetic blocks, get their most pressing questions answered, and align with their Sacred Wealth Code.
In this one on one 30-minute live Zoom session you will receive deeper personalized guidance on:
How to activate your highest-value gifts and start using them to attract wealth and aligned opportunities Energetic clearing and activation to remove resistance and fully step into your next levelThe shadow patterns holding you back and how to shift them for goodDivine timing for business, work, and personal decisions, so you know exactly when to move forward with confidenceEnergetic clearing and activation to remove resistance and fully step into your next levelAnd, your most important Questions answered
Here’s how it works:
-You will receive an email containing a link to Prema’s calendar to book your session.
-In the meantime, you can start exploring your First Step SWC reading by using the Activating Your Wealth Code training class and Meditation that will help you to connect to your archetypes and show you how to use your Sacred Wealth Code to unlock your divine gifts to more create wealth.
YES! I Want to deepen my Sacred Wealth Code Experience!
Upgrade to a LIVE Reading for Only $250 and save $147 (regular price $397)
©Copyright 2013-2025 | All Rights Reserved
Sacred Wealth Code Live Reading
This reading could be the ONE THING that you need to align yourself, your work and/or your business with the prosperity, purpose, and success already drawn for you!
This Personal Reading Includes:
Sacred Wealth Code LIVE Reading 30 mins on Zoom – recording provided)Sacred Wealth Code Personal Reading created by Prema (downloadable PDF)Sacred Wealth Code Video Training (downloadable)Sacred Wealth Code Activation Meditation (downloadable PM3)
Not following your Wealth Code can lead to:
Feeling – and being – stuck in your business or careerNot enough ideal clientsBeing underpaid for your skills and talentsNot using your highest-value gifts and abilitiesSelling your soul by doing work you don’t love, simply because it pays
Here’s how it works:
Prema will personally create and read your Vedic Astrology chart to reveal your Sacred Wealth Code.
You will receive an email containing a link to give you access to your video training, meditation and a form to complete your birth information, so Prema can create your chart and access your Soul Blueprint. Your personal Sacred Wealth Code reading will be emailed to you within 48 hours.
In the meantime, you can begin my Activating Your Wealth Code training class that will show you how to use your Sacred Wealth Code to unlock your divine gifts, create wealth, and experience success.
You will also receive access to my bonus meditation, which you can use every single day to guide you in accessing, activating, and receiving direction from your Sacred Wealth Code. This direction gives you the inspired actions you’ll need to take in order to align with the peace and prosperity you long for!
It’s time to let ALL of your Archetypes shine! You are a BEAUTIFUL person with so much to offer. Experience a magical, sacred homecoming to yourself – begin your journey toward happiness and prosperity, today.
Upgrade to a LIVE Reading for Only $228 (usually $397)
Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.
©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved
Sacred Wealth Code Quantum Leap Live Reading Session
This reading is LIVE with Prema that is ideal for those who want real-time support to gain clarity, remove energetic blocks, get their most pressing questions answered, and align with their Sacred Wealth Code.
In this one on one 30-minute live Zoom session you will receive deeper personalized guidance on:
How to activate your highest-value gifts and start using them to attract wealth and aligned opportunities Energetic clearing and activation to remove resistance and fully step into your next levelThe shadow patterns holding you back and how to shift them for goodDivine timing for business, work, and personal decisions, so you know exactly when to move forward with confidenceEnergetic clearing and activation to remove resistance and fully step into your next levelAnd, your most important Questions answered
Here’s how it works:
-You will receive an email containing a link to Prema’s calendar to book your session.
-In the meantime, you can start exploring your First Step SWC reading by using the Activating Your Wealth Code training class and Meditation that will help you to connect to your archetypes and show you how to use your Sacred Wealth Code to unlock your divine gifts to more create wealth.
YES! I Want to deepen my Sacred Wealth Code Experience!
UPGRADE TO A LIVE READING FOR ONLY $200 (regular price $397)
©Copyright 2013-2025 | All Rights Reserved
Sacred Wealth Code® LIVE Reading – Quantum Leap
This reading could be the ONE THING that you need to align yourself, your work and/or your business with the prosperity, purpose, and success already drawn for you!
This Personal Reading Includes:
Sacred Wealth Code LIVE Reading 30 min. on Zoom (recording provided)Sacred Wealth Code Personal Reading created by Prema (downloadable PDF)Sacred Wealth Code Video Training (downloadable)Sacred Wealth Code Activation Meditation (downloadable PM3)
Not following your Wealth Code can lead to:
Feeling – and being – stuck in your business or careerNot enough ideal clientsBeing underpaid for your skills and talentsNot using your highest-value gifts and abilitiesSelling your soul by doing work you don’t love, simply because it pays
Here’s how it works:
Prema will personally create and read your Vedic Astrology chart to reveal your Sacred Wealth Code.
You will receive an email containing a link to give you access to your video training, meditation and a form to complete your birth information, so Prema can create your chart and access your Soul Blueprint. Your personal Sacred Wealth Code reading will be emailed to you within 48 hours.
In the meantime, you can begin my Activating Your Wealth Code training class that will show you how to use your Sacred Wealth Code to unlock your divine gifts, create wealth, and experience success.
You will also receive access to my bonus meditation, which you can use every single day to guide you in accessing, activating, and receiving direction from your Sacred Wealth Code. This direction gives you the inspired actions you’ll need to take in order to align with the peace and prosperity you long for!
The Quantum Leap Reading Includes: This reading is LIVE session on Zoom with Prema (30 min.)
*You will receive all of the above and a link to Prema’s calendar to schedule your session.
Prema will give you clarity and powerful guidance on what your Sacred Wealth Code means for YOU, how to best activate it and will answer your important questions.
She will give you a massive energy shift to break through for your shadow and consult with you to create an action plan for what to do next with the best timing based on your chart.
It’s time to let ALL of your Archetypes show up and shine!
You are a POWERFUL person with so much to offer through your highest value GIFTS.
Experience a magical, sacred homecoming to yourself – begin your journey toward a new level of
purpose and prosperity, today!
Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.
©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved
Sacred Wealth Code LIVE ReadingUpgrade Special Pricing $97
© Copyright 2013-2021 | All Rights Reserved
Created with ♡ by Spark Your Truth Creative Services