“I couldn’t see the road ahead, the fog was too thick and I wasn’t sure which way I needed to go. I had ideas for myself and for my business, but as soon as I would reach out to grasp them they would disappear into the fog. Prema appeared in my life and the opportunity arose to have a Soul Blueprint Reading, I wasn’t sure what to expect and I don’t have a huge knowledge of the planets and astrology, but I knew with Prema’s energy and wisdom I would get answers.
During the reading I felt shifts, you know in the Indiana Jones style movies when they see the brick sticking out of the wall and they push it and all of a sudden the wall opens up, well that happened….TWICE… during the reading…. Prema was not only clearing the fog but she paved the road! I have a map now with specific dates, clarity on what will be happening cosmically and the steps I need to take to make sure I am in alignment.
The feeling to know that you are being fully supported, that the Universe has a plan for you and you have a unique individual and specific blueprint of you, brings a huge amount of comfort, relief and confidence. I now know exactly what and I need to do and when, but all this would have meant nothing if it wasn’t for Prema.
Prema was an amazing guide, gently walking me through the reading, checking in with me, and making sure I stopped, acknowledged and was aware of the important twists and turns that were on my route. She challenged me to look within and helped shine some light on those shadows that I was allowing to cast on my journey ahead.
If you’re seeking clarity, understanding and a special experience, then don’t hesitate, literally don’t wait… the planets are moving and they aren’t going to pause to wait for you to make your mind up!”
Candice Bauval
Graphic Designer - Artist