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Created with ♡ by Spark Your Truth Creative Services
Sacred Wealth Code Oracle Card Deck$16.99 + $5.95 Shipping
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© Copyright 2013-2021 | All Rights Reserved
Created with ♡ by Spark Your Truth Creative Services
Sacred Wealth Code Reading
This is a one-time special offer for $47 (over 50% off the regular price of $97)
Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.
©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved
This is a one-time special offer for $69 (over 25% off the regular price of $97)
© Copyright 2013-2022 | All Rights Reserved
Created with ♡ by Unicorn Mojo Creative
Sacred Wealth Code® Reading
This reading could be the ONE THING that you need to align yourself, your work and/or your business with the prosperity, purpose, and success already drawn for you![/text_block]
Not following your Wealth Code can lead to:
What you’ll get:
What People Are Saying:
I get a lot of astrology done, even Vedic Astrology. That’s because I want to make sure that anything I do has the full support of the planetary forces behind me, and most importantly is in alignment with my higher calling and Soul Blueprint. Prema has helped me see my Sacred Wealth Code with great clarity, something that I’ve always felt called towards, but had no idea it was actually written in my Soul Blueprint. What I loved about my Sacred Wealth Code reading with her was the fact that she combines insight with strategy, allowing me to know HOW to move forward to claim my true destiny!”
Lorna Li – Entrepreneurs For A Change
As I read the descriptions of my Sacred Wealth Code archetypes, I felt like I saw my whole life coming together. So many past and present experiences became connected and aligned to what I know to be my calling in the world.
It brought tears to my eyes to read such a deep description of me – my traits, my shadows, what I stand for in the world. Having this guidebook to my soul empowered me to break six figures this year! I feel like I can sink deeper into my strengths and be consciously aware of my shadow behaviors. Prema’s gifts and insights with Vedic Astrology are not to be underestimated. As always, she brings divine information down to the practical level ready to be used immediately. This is an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to take their movement to higher levels.
Rebecca Loveless – Educational Consultant
The Sacred Wealth Circle
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up Today:
12 Modules of Sacred Wealth Trainings, Processes, and Meditations Prema will guide you through every subject necessary for you to live your purpose and create wealth from the inside out – including meditations & clearing processes to break through your blocks and live an abundant life
I feel like I can sink deeper into my strengths and be consciously aware of my shadow behaviors. Prema’s gifts and insights with Vedic Astrology are not to be underestimated. This is an invaluable resource for anyone waiting to take their movement to higher levels.
Rebecca Loveless
Prema gently and assuredly guides me to my full potential. I’m no longer afraid or confused about being seen as an artist and teacher. I now know how I am wired for money and how to work the right plan for me based on my Wealth Code. I’ve launched my art business and the money is flowing in.
Tina Gain
The Sacred Wealth Code Journey
What is YOUR Greatest Gift to the World and How Can You Create Wealth From It? Begin YOUR Journey Today![/text_block]
Here’s What You’ll LEARN When You Sign Up Today:
What People Are Saying:
Working with Prema is as much about healing and clearing blocks as it is about Vedic Astrology. It was profound, enlightening, freeing and surprising. Prema is an enlightened teacher who has skills and wisdom that can help anyone grow, transcend, and awaken to wealth.
Joe Vitale, Best Selling Author, Speaker, Movie Star
Learning about my Sacred Wealth Code really affirmed what I already knew to be my strengths and passions. That gave me the confidence to move toward my goals, and now I have a waitlist of clients!
Rebecca Loveless
With that said, I want you to know that my goal is always to provide an over-the-top valuable experience to my clients. I also know that the programs, trainings, and services I provide are backed by 30 years of experience, training, and living this in the real world… I’ve done the failing for you and I only teach what I know works.
I want you to trust yourself and feel empowered to make a choice and know that you are safe – so if you get into the program and don’t feel like it’s the right fit for you within the first 7 days, I will offer you a full refund for any reason.[/text_block]