Full Moon Sacred Healing Circle
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ONE FULL YEAR OF ACCESSAffordable payment plan!
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up Today:
Instant access to the program contentOne Soul Blueprint Reading with Prema (60 min)Your Sacred Wealth Code ReadingSacred Wealth Code BookVideo trainings, and downloadable PDFs12 monthly Vedic Astrology UpdatesVedic Astrology TrainingsInner Growth & Business Growth TrainingsSoul Business Building ToolsProductivity & Flow TrainingsMeditations & Clearing ProcessesAccess to Exclusive Private Mastermind12 Month Access to Q&A Calls12 Month Access to Full Moon Healing Circles
Need help? We’re just an email away!Prema@Soulutionary.com
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Every year there are planetary transits, retrogrades, eclipses, and aspects that uniquely affect you based on your Vedic Astrology chart.
It is essential to know the nature and timing of these cosmic forces and know how they will affect you, so can stay aligned with your soul path.
In this personal reading session, I will give you the guidance you need to navigate the energy the important planetary transits, retrogrades, and eclipses will bring for you personally over the next year so you work with and not against the energy.
I answer your questions and give you specific dates and timing for when to run forward and when to lean back, and an energy SHIFT to support you in successfully using the guidance I give you. It’s not enough to know. You need to know how and when!
Insight and information come to life with inspired ACTION. I will give you a clear plan with inspired action steps to align you with the POWER of your Soul Blueprint, so you move your life forward on your purposeful path even during times of extreme challenges like eclipses can bring.
How it works:
Sessions are 60 minutes via audio or video and can be recorded for you. After purchasing your session, you will receive an email with a link to my calendar to book your session.
Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.
©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved
GET IT NOW!RECORDING SENT TO ALL WHO REGISTER: Participating after the live session you will still get the guidance and activation! Energy is encoded for those there and those who listen afterward… for all time to come.
Vedic Astrology Forecast for 2025—Workshop (2hr) Lifetime access to recording and resources. The most important planetary transits and dates for 2025 including planetary retrogrades, eclipses and more.Horoscopes for each of the 12 astrological signs—For your best opportunities, navigate challenges, embrace spiritual lessons and the changes to watch out for.Beautiful Cosmic Planner—Important planetary transit dates and meaning by house for you. (Downloadable PDF)A Sacred Visioning Meditation Process for clarity and manifestation to create your most amazing year from the inside out.Your Vedic Astrology Chart.
*You will have lifetime access to the recording and resources. Participating after the live session does not mean you will not experience your activation. The energy is encoded for those here and those who listen afterward… for all time to come.
Prema Lee Gurreri
Prema’s expertise lies in unlocking each person’s soul blueprint for purpose and prosperity, guiding them towards their fullest potential.
Her approach is not just transformative; it’s revolutionary. She doesn’t just guide you towards success – she helps you redefine success on your own terms.
Prema shows up authentically — fun, powerful and spicy, delivering the truth straight from the heart that dissolves barriers and moves you to elevate your life and business.
As the creator and award-winning author of “Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity,” Prema offers a comprehensive suite of tools including a book, oracle card deck, and journal. These resources empower individuals to tap into their innate gifts and align with their true calling.
Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.
©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved
Full Moon Astrology update to understand what it means for you.Breath work to open your chakras and integrate the you with the physical and spiritual realms.A sacred healing ritual with sound healing, singing bowls, and mantras to experience the alchemy of the senses and spirit to clear your energy field and raise your frequency.In this powerful sacred healing you will break free from programming, traumas, and limiting beliefs that are not serving your full potential and highest timelines.Tap into your intuition and soul wisdom to align true power.Participating in the healing circle live or later by recording is an activation of all that is powerful and true with you. There is no hard work to do. Come open and curious knowing that what you need will be provided.
Prema Lee Gurreri
Leading Vedic Astrologer, Author & Creator of Your Sacred Wealth Code
Also know as the secret power behind successful women.
Prema’s expertise lies in unlocking each person’s soul blueprint for purpose and prosperity, guiding them towards their fullest potential.
Her approach is not just transformative; it’s revolutionary. She doesn’t just guide you towards success – she helps you redefine success on your own terms.
Prema shows up authentically — fun, powerful and spicy, delivering the truth straight from the heart that dissolves barriers and moves you to elevate your life and business.
As the creator and award-winning author of “Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity,” Prema offers a comprehensive suite of tools including a book, oracle card deck, and journal. These resources empower individuals to tap into their innate gifts and align with their true calling.
Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.
©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved