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SBP | Archetypes: Communicator

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The Communicator



The Communicator Training

The Communicator Tapping In Questions

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Get to Know Your Archetype

The Communicator



MANTRA: “Words have power.”

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for clarity and growth.

PURPOSE: To speak the truth, and illuminate clarity and understanding for the positive growth of humanity.

SHADOW: Overwhelmed. Sarcastic. Blunt. Pessimistic.

The Communicator knows the power of words to educate,  inform, uplift, grow, transcend, open possibilities, and connect to the truth. The Communicator gathers, processes, and shares information to help uplift humanity.

Communicators are process-oriented and found in all walks of like and professions. As a Communicator, you may be known as a psychologist, counselor, writer, facilitator, mediator, comedian, interpreter, editor, PR person, social media expert, salesperson, or astrologer. Your word is as good as gold, and you expertly use it to share ideas, information, and concepts which help others evolve and grow.

You are friendly, open, clear, direct, and connected to divine truth. All forms of verbal and nonverbal language are your currency. You are gifted with the universal language of metaphor. You have the unique genius to distill and synthesize complex subjects, broad themes, and big-picture ideas, and make them easily understood. This is healing and transformative for others.

You’re also gifted with the mindful, Buddha-like energy of discernment and discrimination. This helps you break attachments to what no longer serves, positively re-frame difficult situations, and move on to whatever life has to offer next. This gift is of highest value when you serve others in their growth and development.

You have the superpower of deep listening, and can hear and address the true message of what’s being said, even when the speaker is stifled in their expression. You speak from the heart, and can put words to things others can’t. You facilitate finding common ground and creating unity.

The Communicator knows a lot of people, and is an innate networker. You can greatly profit from your alchemical genius of putting information, people, and things together in brilliant ways that no one else has considered before.

The Shadow of The Communicator

If you are in the shadow energy of the Communicator, your words can be blunt, like cudgels, or razor-sharp sarcastic with the power to cut another down. Your words can do more harm than good. If you don’t check yourself, you can hurt those you love and care about.

If you are unfocused, multi-tasking too much, or involved in too many projects, you will end up overwhelmed. Trying to process too much at once leaves you all over the map, and not achieving any of your goals.

When stressed, you mentally spin, and are negative and pessimistic. You’re in a fog, and don’t see or translate things clearly. This leads to major breakdowns in communication and painful misinterpretations and misunderstandings.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Communicator, you have too many plates in the air, or are trying to be too many things to too many people. It’s time to take some personal time to quiet your mind with meditation, deep relaxation, and time in nature; once you reboot your mindfulness and restore your clarity, your brilliant mind will put everything in order once again.

High-Value Gifts

ClarityMindfulnessReliabilityFlexibilityDiscernmentDeep ListenerGifted WriterGifted SpeakerMental BrillianceCatalyst for Growth

Inspired Action Plan

“I am committed to practicing presence and mindfulness so I can continue to grow and dedicate my high-value gifts to serve the growth and evolution of humanity.”

Tapping In With Your Communicator

Consult with your Communicator by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Communicator’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Communicator’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Communicator Archetype Inspiration Guide

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Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes

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Watch the introduction first!

Scroll down to read your Archetypes, watch the training, activation meditation, and tapping in questions. You will also find additional trainings.

Click on the Archetype Card to Learn More About It

The Administrator

The Advocate

The Artist

The Celebrity

The Collaborator

The Communicator

The Connector

The Engineer

The Great Nurturer

The Honorable Warrior

The King

The Leader

The Magician

The Merchant

The Messenger

The Muse

The Mystic

The Organizer

The Queen

The Sage

The Strategist

The Teacher

The Visionary

Connecting With Your Archetypes and Discovering Your Gifts Training

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Sacred Wealth Code Meditation

Use this meditation regularly and you will develop a powerful relationship with your Archetypes and they will reveal your highest value gifts which are key to your purpose and prosperity.

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Planet and Archetype Colors

List of Archetypes, which planet they belong to, and what color represents each planet and Archetype.

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Archetypes: People Pleaser: Releasing the Shadow

How to stop giving your power away being a “People Pleaser” and learn to stand in your value and own your gifts.

Bringing the Shadow Into the Light Clearing Process

How to bring the shadow side of an Archetype into the light, so you can access your gifts.

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Bringing the Shadow Into the Light Worksheet

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SBP | Archetypes: Collaborator

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The Collaborator



The Collaborator Training

The Collaborator Tapping In Questions

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Get to Know Your Archetype

The Collaborator



MANTRA: “I co-create to create.”

SOUL DESIRE: To use your unique genius in connection with others to actualize a vision or goal.

PURPOSE: To create greater good for the global community through authentic partnership.

SHADOW: Needy. Scattered. Overcommitted. Overworked. Over-loyal

The Collaborator is intimately connected to the power of “we,” and is a great partner, team builder, colleague, coworker, associate, and assistant.

As a Collaborator, you are a relationship builder who is curious, cooperative, and flourishes as part of a team. You work well in authentic partnerships to bring ideas and projects into fruition for the greater good. You imagine a world where everyone is focused on using their unique genius, and doing what expands and cultivates a collective vision.

Collaborators feed off of the exchange of ideas to manifest a vision, project, or goal. You have the power to mastermind, and do your best work serving as high council to others. You know the indispensable value of a team where everyone is focusing on using their high-value gifts, and believe that the collective succeeds most brilliantly when everyone is focused on doing their part.

You are an integral part of a vision that is greater than your own; you are secure and confident in knowing that we are all greater together, and that you do not need to do it alone. Because you’re inclusive, you shine by sharing the high-value currency of your unique gifts in collaboration with others, and are profoundly satisfied when operating as a part of a succeeding team.

Although you are a team builder, you also excel at leading your part of the greater vision. You’re reliable, and it’s very clear to others that they can count on you to do your part. You know exactly what you’re in charge of, and you take charge of it. You act as the “governor” of your part of the project, and loyally execute that part to completion, all while keeping in mind the greater vision of the whole, and the activities of others in the production court.

Even when you’re focused on your own projects, you still work best in collaboration with others. You’re highly rational; you dig working with other people. If on a solo journey, you can feel cut off and isolated – like you’re marooned on a deserted island. When working with others, you feel like a shining link in a valuable chain; whether you or another is creating the exquisite pendant which will hang from it, you are still part of the resulting beauty.

The Shadow of The Collaborator

When your Collaborator becomes needy, it’s because you are not getting the recognition you need and deserve as a valuable part of the team. You may be on the wrong team, but feel afraid to make a change or leave a project or job. Your colleagues may want you to be the “workhorse,” and take on tasks that you are merely good at, rather than the ones you are exceptional at. Yes, you have an intense need to belong, and work best in authentic partnership – but you shouldn’t fear moving on from a team that is not valuing your unique genius.

Your need to be part of a team can lead you to become overly committed and overly loyal. When you don’t get the recognition you deserve, you simply try harder. The problem with this approach is that you can work yourself into the ground in the hope of being seen and valued. But, chances are, when you’re burned out, exhausted, and miserable, your unique genius is nowhere to be found.

If you’re scattered or are questioning every move you make, you have lost your connection with yourself and the greater vision of what you are working on. Without the joyful focus through which you bring projects to completion, you may find yourself spinning in circles. Or, you may become so involved with other people’s projects that you lose sight of your own place in the grand scheme.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Collaborator, it’s time to step back, reconnect with your purpose and soul desire, and evaluate if those you’re working with are recognizing your high-value gifts. Surround yourself with people who love and appreciate you, and you’ll soon be back on your game.

High-Value Gifts

Co-CreatorAuthentic PartnerCommittedInsightfulTeam PlayerAllows Others to ShineFocused On Your Part of the Greater Goal

Inspired Action Plan

“I develop my unique genius while remaining connected to the power of ‘we,’ and focus on using my high-value gifts to co-create with others in service of a bigger vision.”

Tapping In With Your Collaborator

Consult with your Collaborator by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Collaborator’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Collaborator’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Collaborator Archetype Inspiration Guide

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Member Content SBP

SBP | Foundation: Trainings: Home

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Module 1

Get Started

Wealth Dream and Wealth Purpose: How to create your wealth dream and discover your purpose for wealth

Clear Your Money Blocks: How to discover and shift your money blocks so you can finally overcome them

Module 2

Get Started

You Are Your Niche: Discover your hero’s journey to authentically building an audience/tribe that will last a lifetime

Module 3

Get Started

Connecting With Your Archetypes and Discovering Your Gifts: How to get to know your Archetypes, discover which of their superpowers gifts are YOUR high-value gifts, and tune into their guidance

Sacred Wealth Council and Roundtable Meeting: How to use your Archetypes as a wealth council for weekly guidance and making important decisions

Hire Your Inner Wealth Team: How to develop a practical working relationship with your SWC Archetypes to create your divine wealth team

Module 4

Get Started

Mission and Purpose Training: How to discover your purpose and clarify your mission in the world for your greatest impact

Discover Your Movement In The World: Discover the authentic movement you are meant to lead in the world

Create Your Authentic Message: How to create an authentic message that attracts your ideal clients and customers

Module 5

Get Started

Mastering the Art of Being: How to master your state of being to align with your gifts and hearts desires

Releasing Tolerations: Learn to identify and release the tolerations that are draining your energy

Module 6

Get Started

Ideal Client Attraction: How to discover who your ideal clients are, calibrate your energy to attract them, and get daily Inspired Action steps to easily connect with them

Connecting with Your Tribe and Storytelling: How to authentically build your soul aligned community and use storytelling to get your message across

Module 7

Get Started

Take Inspired Action Now!: How to uplevel your vibration and supercharge your ability to receive with energy of gratitude

The Power of Gratitude: How to uplevel your vibration and supercharge your ability to receive with energy of gratitude

Module 8

Get Started

Heart Centered Sales: How to sell from authentic heart connection without sounding salesy

Planning and Calendaring from the Inside Out: How to tune into your soul to plan for your business from the inside out

Module 9

Get Started

Be Seen For Your Gifts: How to confidently be seen for your gifts and receive the value you seek

How to be Confidently Seen for Your GiftsHow to Value Your Gifts So That Others Will Value ThemHow to Receive Your True Value for Your Gifts

Rewrite Your Story Process: How to release blocks, traumas, and old patterns by rewriting old negative stories to give you the emotional benefit of a positive outcome you may have hoped for

Polarity Process Meditation

Module 10

Get Started

Your Authentic Brand Voice: How to clarify your brand’s values and voice so you can easily speak to your audience for authenticity and sales

Visioning for Purpose and Business Expansion: How to create a new vision for your purpose to expand your business

Module 11

Get Started

Conscious Creation: How to become a conscious creator so that you manifest your soul desires with grace and ease

A step-by-step inner guided process to get clear on what you want to create, lock in your vibrational attraction set point, and begin allowing and receivingHow to bridge the gaps that keep YOU from consciously creatingSupercharge your creations with simple practices that are fun and easy

Module 12

Get Started

Divine Feminine Roadmap for Success: How to trust your divine feminine to navigate your business from the inside out to create your personal business pathway

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Module 1

Get Started

Balancing Your Chakras: How to tap into and balance the powerful energy of your chakras for abundance and wellbeing

Belief and Pattern Clearing with the Chakras: How to clear the energetic blocks in your chakras that are keeping you from being all that you are

Vedic Astrology, Archetypes and The Chakras: Discover the relationship between the planets, archetypes, and the chakras to fine tune your gifts

Module 2

Get Started

Unlock Your Business Chakras: How to raise the frequency and manifesting power of your business by activating and balancing your chakras for greater prosperity and impact

Module 3

Get Started

Use Emotional Genius to Accelerate Conscious Creation: Learn how to manage your emotions so they don’t manage you and supercharge your ability to create your soul goals and desires

Module 4

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How Your Business IS Your Spiritual Path: Learn how your business or career grows you spiritually and how to breakthrough when you are stuck for greater dedication to your unique soul path and purpose

Module 5

Get Started

Raise Your Frequency to Receive More: 6 easy practices to empower you to let go of resistance, be more playful with the law of attraction and receive more!

Module 6

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Advanced Client Attraction: How to amplify your energy to connect with and magnetize your soul mate clients and customers from the inside out

Module 7

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Take Your Power Back!: How to stop depleting yourself by giving your power away and reclaim your alignment to stay true to yourself and your purpose throughout the day

Module 8

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Grow Your Movement… Expand Your Influence: How to get your most important work out in the world to make the difference you are truly here to make

Module 9

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Breakdown to Breakthrough: How to have things fall together in new and wonderful ways when good things fall apart

Module 10

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Recalibrating Your Business for Continued Growth: Taking a look back at your business to see how far you’ve come and discover what’s needed to move to the next level

Module 11

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Into The Void: How to navigate the space between where you were and where you are going without loosing faith or sight of your vision

Module 12

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Surrender: How to give it up to the divine

Module 13

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Divine Guidance Process: A short series of questions to ask your soul to get deeper information and guidance where ever you are on your path whether you are in a good place and just curious for more information or dealing with a challenge.

Module 14

Get Started

Navratri – 9 Day Celebration Of The Divine Feminine: On these nine days every year after the new moon that follows the autumn equinox we learn to further embody the divine feminine through honor the goddesses Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.

Durga Clearing Process: With the help of the Goddess Durga’s energy clear the weeds and stones from your garden [fear, limiting beliefs, false beliefs].

Module 15

Get Started

Going Bigger – Expand Into The Next Level In Your Life And Business: How to tune into what you are being called to expand into and master so you can reach the next level of growth for your life and business.

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

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How to give it up to the divine.

Surrender Process

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Surrender Process Worksheet

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SBP | Archetypes: Engineer

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The Engineer



The Engineer Training

The Engineer Tapping In Questions

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Get to Know Your Archetype

The Engineer



MANTRA: “Every problem has a solution.”

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for discovering a better way.

PURPOSE: To discover and apply better paths of action for positive change in the world.

SHADOW: Negative. Self-judging. Arrogant. Aggressive. Over-analytical.

The Engineer is fascinated by what makes things tick, and is highly gifted when it comes to designing better solutions to all of life’s issues.

As an Engineer, your approach to life and work is curious, creative, practical, technical, logical, and focused. You are determined to solve problems and design new ways of getting the results you desire. The brilliance of The Engineer can be seen everywhere in the world. You improve the way we live, work, travel, communicate, stay healthy, build things, care for the environment, market, entertain, and uplift the world. You are found in all trades and professions.

You’re inherently curious, and have the high-value currency of bettering, fixing, adjusting, altering, and solving everyday problems. You are deeply satisfied by exploring the inner workings of things. You’re an enthusiastic researcher, and readily absorb information to be analyzed; then, you put your creative spin on your analysis in order to design the best solution. You are highly valued as the logical, perceptive, and discriminating go-to person to solve the problem at hand, create a practical design for a new idea, or to discover a better way to get the job done. You are never short of puzzles to solve.

As an Engineer, you are a master of energy – and your energy must be productively channeled. You process information as an introvert, but express it as an extrovert. Being spiritually aligned is of utmost importance to your self-discipline, as well as your ability to abundantly create and prosper on the material plane.

You’re hardworking, competent, and dedicated to getting results. You are indispensable to Visionaries (and Visionary companies) because you can take an idea and create the practical nuts and bolts necessary to make it a reality and put it to good use. You’re independent by nature, but manifest best in the company of others as the leader of a team.

The Shadow of The Engineer

If you’re not grounded and attuned with your body, you are probably over-analytical and stuck in your head with a disregard for emotions – including your own. You become frustrated and arrogant, full of “shoulds” and judgments to make other people wrong. You can also become overly aggressive. This is detrimental to problem-solving, especially when those problems include the human equation. When you go into this place, your relationships will suffer.

If you find yourself in the shadow of Engineer energy, you are spiritually cut off. You are stuck in your head, and your ego has taken over. It is time to get a spiritual reboot by getting grounded in your body through physical activity and being in nature, so you can remaster your energy and get back in touch with your purpose and mission.

High-Value Gifts

Problem SolvingCritical ThinkingDeterminationHard WorkerTechnicalTrustworthyFocused on ResultsGifted DesignerPractical Application of Ideas

Inspired Action Plan

“I maintain my spiritual connection to guide my high-value gifts of problem solving and designing to create a better future for all.”

Tapping In With Your Engineer

Consult with your Engineer by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Engineer’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Engineer’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Engineer Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Momentum: Trainings: Home

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Module 1

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Balancing Your Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine Energies: How to create your heart’s desires by aligning with and balancing your divine feminine and sacred masculine power

Channeling the Feminine and Masculine Energies of Your Sacred Wealth Code: How to access the feminine and masculine energies of your Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes and channel them for growth and abundance

Module 2

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Harnessing Masculine and Feminine Energy for Business Growth: How to align and balance your divine feminine and sacred masculine energies to grow your business without burning out

Release Stressful Masculine Energy at the End of the Work Day: How to transition from work mode into your natural divine feminine energy, so you can have thriving connections with self, source and others

Module 3

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Healthy Boundaries: How to break free of patterns, beliefs, and emotions that keep you from having healthy boundaries and learn how to create, establish, and uphold your boundaries

Module 4

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Building Better Business Boundaries: Go from burden to bounty by creating and upholding YOUR boundaries in business

Module 5

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Overcoming The Perfectionism – Procrastination – Overwhelm Cycle: How to get out of your own way to finally get things started and done

Module 6

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Overcoming Perfectionism in Business: How to overcome the perfectionism – procrastination – overwhelm cycle and get out of your own way to finally get things started and done in your business

Module 7

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The Empowered Empath: Discover what kind of an empath you are and own your sensitivity without giving your power away, so you can thrive in the world as an empath

Module 8

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Empaths in Business: How to use your gifts as an empath to create more wealth and less drama with your work in the world

Module 9

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Unleash the Power of Vulnerability: The care and feeding of vulnerability as a superpower instead of a weakness

Module 10

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Charge What You’re (Truly) Worth: How to bring your belief up to speed with your highest value and authentically set your prices in your business

Module 11

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Authentic Leadership: How to claim your innate gift of leadership and naturally lead from the inside out

Module 12

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Authentic Leadership in Business: How to lead your soul based business from the heart and get back on track when you are struggling to lead

Module 13

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The Truth About Responsibility: Discover how taking responsibility for everything you create in your life IS your key FREEDOM

Module 14

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The Power of Commitment and Saturn: How to commit to and focus on the inspirations that will move your purpose forward and create lasting results in your business

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Journey Member Content

Journey Home Page 3.0


Download Your Sacred Wealth Code Book

You can find your 8 Journey trainings in the sections below, as well as meditations. 

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Sacred Wealth Journey 1: Your Archetypes and Discovering Your Gifts

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Sacred Wealth Journey 2: Create Your Wealth Dream and Purpose for Wealth

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Sacred Wealth Journey 3: Shift Your Limiting Money Beliefs to Empowered Beliefs

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Sacred Wealth Journey 4: Wealth Pillar 1: Purpose Harnessing Your Soul’s Big Why

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Sacred Wealth Journey 5: Wealth Pillar 2: PassionDiscover the Essence of Your Fulfillment

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Sacred Wealth Journey 6: Wealth Pillar 3: Discover Your High-Value Gifts How to Wield Your Superpowers

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Sacred Wealth Journey 7: Wealth Pillar 4: Your Greatest ChallengeThe Unexpected Gateway to Wealth

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Sacred Wealth Journey 8: Develop a Deeper Relationship with Your Archetypes to Create Your Wealthy Life

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Into The Void

How to navigate the space between where you were and where you are going without loosing faith or sight of your vision

Into The Void Worksheet

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Created with ♡ by Spark Your Truth Creative Services