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Soulutionary Mastermind Special Offer Checkout

The Soulutionary Mastermind with Prema Lee Gurreri The secret power behind successful women. An exclusive live group mentorship mastermind that changes lives.

Choose the payment plan that works best for you for one year access!

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up Today:

Instant Access to Course Materials Live Vedic Astrology Business Sesssion on Zoom (1 Per Month)Your Sacred Wealth Code Reading, Video Trainings & Meditations LIVE Group Mastermind Calls on Zoom & Hot Seat Coaching with Prema (2 Per Month)Vedic Astrology Videos Updates (2 per month)Private Telegram Group with Community and PremaLive Sacred Full Moon Healing Circles (1 per Month)Access To Sacred Wealth Collective MembershipMy Signature Vedic Astrology TrainingsMy Soulutionary Blueprint Vault of Personal Growth and Business Growth Trainings: My Vault of Soul Business Building ToolsMy Vault of Guided MeditationsMy Vault of Clearing ProcessesAccess to Sacred Wealth Collective MembershipAccess To Programs Released Outside The Mastermind During Your Year. 

Soulutionary Mastermind
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Pay in Full $15,000
3 Payments of $5555
12 Payments of $1444
Soulutionary Mastermind
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$5,555.00 every month for 2 payments
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Pay in Full $15,000
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12 Payments of $1444
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$1,444.00 every month for 11 payments
for Soulutionary Mastermind
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Pay in Full $15,000
3 Payments of $5555
12 Payments of $1444

Need help? My team is just an email away! 

Prema gave me my Sacred Wealth Code, and I attracted an ideal client on the very same day worth $10,000 in profits. Now, I can laser focus on what will actually create the money I’ve been seeking while serving the visionaries and entrepreneurs I am truly meant to serve.

In the Soulutionary Blueprint program, I am learning to use my greatest gifts to do my highest service and am creating more money doing what I love than I ever have!

Margaret Saizan

Mentor to Visionary Artists

Being in this Mastermind empowered me to break six-figures this year!

This is an invaluable resource for anyone waiting to take their mission to higher levels.

I feel like I can sink deeper into my strengths and be consciously aware of my shadow behaviors. Prema’s gifts and insights with Vedic Astrology are not to be underestimated.

Margaret Saizan

Teacher -Structured Word Inquiry 

Through my work with Prema, I realized I was forcing myself to fit into a vision that wasn’t ME on a soul level.

I learned to let go of the fear of embracing my gifts and ended up landing a job where I could be myself 100% and started making more money than I ever did in my life!

Meagan Ruppert

Business Strategist

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

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Going bigger training and process

How to tune into what you are being called to expand into and master so you can reach the next level of growth for your life and business.

Going Bigger Audio

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Going Bigger Worksheet

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Going Bigger Q and A

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

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For conscious visionaries who are ready to go deeper than ever before to unlock their innate power to transform their life and business from the inside out.

You know that the time is now to learn, once and for all, how to master the art of living on purpose and manifesting wealth.

The Soulutionary Blueprint is a one of a kind program that includes all the tools and guidance you need to trust and embody all of who you are. You will lead confidently with your divine gifts, make the impact you are here to make, and create a new level of success and prosperity.


See if this is you?

You’ve had some success but know you’re capable of achieving more, but have no idea how.You know you are here to make a big impact, but are unsure exactly what it will look like.You have many gifts and talents and struggle to bring them all into your business.You want to move forward but are unsure what is holding you back.You often question yourself and wonder if it’s actually possible to have the impact and prosperity you desire.

You want to:

Spend less time to make more impact.Know without a doubt that what you are doing has a positive impact on the world.Have confidence that what you are doing is exactly what you are meant to do.A clear vision of what your ideal life looks like so you can create from there.Trust yourself so you can let go of limitations, fears, doubt, thinking you must sacrifice or struggle. You can have things feel easy.Ability to live and work on your own terms not burn out from overwork or overwhelm.Create wealth without hard work, from a place of knowing it is yours to create.

Here’s where it gets juicy. This is a peek at what you’ll get when you join me and the other women in this community.

The ability to make decisions from a place of absolute confidence and trust that you are on the right path, making the right decisions, and that everything is happening to give you the best possible outcome.A clear, understanding of your high-value gifts and how to integrate them into your life and work.A feeling of ease and joy knowing you are on the your soul path in your life and business.Full alignment with your soul, to attract soulmate clients and exciting opportunities with ease and flow. Understanding of the power of your Sacred Wealth Archetypes and how to use them to increase your impact.The fierce knowing that you are fulfilling your soul’s purpose, that you are working in perfect timing, and that all you desire to have and create is truly on its way to you.

This has been a total game changer for me! I went from being scattered in my business and only having  a couple of clients to totally transforming myself and my business with the power of inner-work in the SBP program. I’ve attracted ideal clients, raised my prices, created and teach my Freedom Alignment method, wrote a book and even found my soulmate.

Kirsty Bortoft – Stress and Anxiety Coach, Author

How is The Soulutionary Blueprint® different from other Soulful Business Programs?

We go deep. There are many “soul centered business” programs out there. At first glance, some might look just like this one. And there may be some similarities. But where they offer basic business skills with a heart centered approach, I’ve found from speaking to clients who have taken them, they only skim the surface of what’s needed.

Have you been disappointed with the results you got that other programs have promised? But you know in your body and soul that there must be more for you? Then keep reading because this program was designed with you in mind.

Here’s Why… For the past few years I’ve worked to infuse myself into every nook and cranny of this program. What this means for you is that for every challenge, problem, or need you have, there is a training, meditation, energetic clearing, or tool to help you get moving in the right direction.

There is a big difference between this program and others. You will receive your Soul Blueprint and Sacred Wealth Code. These comprise your unique plan for living your purpose and creating wealth in all aspects of life. (It’s not just money, honey.) Other programs offer a one size fits all kind of plan. With the Soulutionary Blueprint you have a specialized pathway laid out for you and all of the tools necessary to walk that soul journey.

This program combines personal touch with an individualized plan and do-it-yourself resources. You can drop in and get real time support with me on our Mastermind Q&A calls. I have mapped your Soul Blueprint and Sacred Wealth Code, and I will give you the personalized help you need, which will reveal the best next step and inspired action to take, so you get the biggest impact. Inside the program portal, you’ll be able to access the exact resources you need to implement that inspired action so that you can consistently move forward in your life and business with grace and ease.

Being a heart centered (or any other style of ) entrepreneur is not easy… But it can be personally and financially rewarding. To get there you need proven strategies and mentoring from someone who has done what you want to do AND has taught others how to grow and enjoy a sustainable and successful business.

As I read my descriptions of my Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes, I felt like I saw my whole life coming together. So many past and present experiences became connected and aligned to what I know to be my calling in the world. It brought tears to my eyes to read such a deep description of me – my traits, my shadows, what I stand for in the world.

Having this guidebook empowered me to break six-figures this year! I feel like I can sink deeper into my strengths and be consciously aware of my shadow behaviors. Prema’s gifts and insights with Vedic Astrology are not to be underestimated. This is an invaluable resource for anyone waiting to take their movement to higher levels.

Rebecca Loveless – Structured Word Inquiry Coach

Prema gave me my Sacred Wealth Code and I got clear on what my highest-value gifts are and busted free from confusion about how to increase the profits in my business. I attracted an ideal client on the very same day worth $10,000 in profits. Because I now know how I am wired for money, I can laser focus on what will actually create the money I’ve been seeking, while serving the visionaries and entrepreneurs I am truly meant to serve.

Prema continues to teach and guide me in her Soulutionary Blueprint program to use my greatest gifts to do my highest service and I am creating more money doing what I love than I ever have.

Margaret Saizan – Coach for Visionaries and Artists

I was so frustrated because I had worked so hard, did “all the right things” and yet I just couldn’t get things to click. I know I was destined for so much more but regardless of what I did, I kept coming up short. I was broke and it hurt – especially after investing in so many coaches and mentors to help me break through.

Through my work with Prema, I realized I was forcing myself to fit into a vision that wasn’t ME on a soul level. I learned to let go of the fear of embracing my gifts. I ended up landing a job where I could be myself 100% and started making more money than I ever did in my life.

Life finally became fun and easy – which I honestly never thought was possible.

Meagan Ruppert – Business Strategist

The Soulutionary Blueprint is built on the following framework:

Vedic Astrology: Your Soul Blueprint

Vedic Astrology gives you the keys to unlock your Soul Blueprint for a deep understanding of how your choices, purpose, and divine gifts are encoded at soul level and how you are meant to use them.

Your Sacred Wealth Code®: Where Purpose and Prosperity Meet

Wealth is everything you need to fulfill your purpose. Discover your Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes to understand your highest-value gifts and activate your soul purpose.

Learn how to use your unique brilliance in your business, career, so that you create prosperity doing the work you are meant to and create the impact that is yours to contribute.

Break Free From Your Shadow: Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs

Your Sacred Wealth Code sheds light on your shadow side to uncover unconscious patterns and beliefs that are holding you back, so you can finally break free and avoid the pitfalls and struggles that have held you back in the past.

Monthly Vedic Astrology Updates: Go With the Flow

These updates will show you how to best move forward with your soul plan so that the work you do is done with divine timing. This means you don’t get derailed with bad decisions that cost you time, energy and money.

Own Your Value: Shifting Into an Energetic State of Allowing and Receiving

Learn how to align with the energy of abundance to create more prosperity. Release your money blocks and patterns, own your worth, and finally receive more. Know exactly what you should be doing right now to consciously create wealth with the gifts you have been given.

Intuition: Learn to Tap Into Your Intuition, Follow It, and Trust It

Your gut is usually right and your heart knows the way. Develop unshakeable self trust so that you consistently make great decisions in your business and life and take inspired action to bring your vision to life and move your mission forward in your unique way.

Become a Conscious Creator

Master how to use the universal principles of Conscious Creation in order to radically align with the Law of Attraction, which attracts opportunities and abundance to you.

Divine Feminine: Sacred Masculine Energy Balance: Be Nourished, Not Burned Out

Discover how to activate your divine feminine power to be in the flow and adeptly apply your sacred masculine energy, so you are nourished, focused, fulfilled, and productive… without burning out.

Attract and Enroll Your Soulmate Clients:

Align with your soulmate clients and tribe and watch as customers come to you and opportunities open themselves to you. Using the Heart Centered Sales and Enrollment process you will learn to authentically invite people to work with you, invest in you and buy your products without sounding salesy.

Practical Soul Business & Life Strategy and Inspired Action:

Receive Soul Aligned practical strategies for your business and life based on YOUR Vedic Astrology chart and Sacred Wealth Code that will focus you on the exact next steps to take and how to take them.

For years I had been trying to find a life and purposeful work that felt like it fit me, because I was not sure what I was good at anymore. With Prema’s guidance, working with the tools in the program, and the community I have created a very healthy income while crafting the kind of purposeful work I truly enjoy. I no longer doubt myself and totally understand my gifts and how I am meant to use them.

Kiki Ong – Organizational Consultant & Leadership Coach

I was transitioning from a 40 year career in teaching to my own business in LIfe Coaching for children and I needed clarity around the nuts and bolts of how to do it. I never invested in something like this before and it was a bit scary, but once I joined the program I was welcomed into a beautiful world of discovery, self reflection, skill building, and community. I had the support I needed to not only launch my business, but develop myself!

Laraine Ray – Teacher/Life Coach for Children

Here’s What You’ll Get In The Program:

Instant Access to all program content on every subject necessary for you to confidently live your purpose, create wealth, and make your impact.One Soul Blueprint Reading with Prema (60 min) • In this Vedic Astrology Reading, Prema will examine your Sacred Wealth Code and the planetary transits and give you everything you need to know for the year ahead. You will get the guidance you need, your questions answered, and a soul based plan with action steps to successfully bring your vision to life.Your Sacred Wealth Code Reading • A detailed description (PDF) of your Archetypes with their unique personal identifiers, video training, and meditation all based on your Vedic Astrology chart.Sacred Wealth Code Book • (Downloadable)Video Trainings, and Downloadable PDFs • Everything you need to master the energy of your Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes, so you can confidently embody them, be seen in the world for your high-value gifts, and release your shadow energy.12 Monthly Vedic Astrology Updates • These updates will show you how to best move forward with your soul plan and best navigate the month’s energetic shifts happening in our universe, so that the work you do is done with divine timing.Vedic Astrology Trainings• Gain a deeper understanding of how the celestial energy works in relationship to you. Not to become an astrologer, but to master your own energy. Including a basic understanding of your chart. working with the new and full moons, eclipses, and more.Inner Growth & Business Growth Trainings • You will work in three phases to build confidence, trust, and sustainability to your success: Foundation, Momentum and Expansion.Trainings Subjects Include: Authentic Leadership • Divine Feminine & Sacred Masculine Balance • A Special Training for Empaths • Vulnerability • Being Seen • Setting Boundaries • Releasing Money Blocks • Overcoming Perfectionism • Mission • Purpose & Message • Divine Feminine Roadmap for Business • Heart Centered Sales • Ideal Client Attraction • Your Brand Voice, and • Charge What You’re Worth… to name just a fewSoul Business Building Tools • Practical business building tools that are driven by your intuition and gifts to get your work out in the world.Productivity & Flow Trainings • So you can successfully manage your energy and create a workflow that gets your work, inspirations, and ideas out into the world in a way that is right and true to you.Meditations • To shift and align your energetic state to keep you moving forward from the inside out with ease and grace. Meditations for Soul Alignment, Intuition, Energy Activation, Empowerment, Wealth & Abundance, Self Love, Visioning and more.Clearing Processes • Radically shift and release your blocks, patterns and limiting beliefs that are holding you back, so you can finally break free and avoid the pitfalls and struggles that have held you back in the past. You will be able to confidently make decisions and move forward from a place of trust and purpose. Access to Exclusive Private Mastermind • A like minded group of supportive visionaries and Sacred Wealth Coaches to help you every step of the way… because we’re never meant to do it alone!12 Month Access to Q&A Calls • Twice-monthly calls with Prema and her team to get your questions answered about your business, blocks, your Sacred Wealth Code, Astrology, and live coaching and to keep you moving forward.

The most important decisions take courage and clear thinking.

After years of working with women just like you it’s evident that clarity is often missing. And, our minds can only take us so far. If you rely on the reptilian brain, that ancient part of the brain designed to keep you safe and in your comfy cave, then fear could keep you from saying “yes” to an opportunity that is exactly what you’ve been searching for.

Like this one.

You might even get stuck in indecision. Not a good place to be. The best way to make a decision is to get out of your head and into your heart. Inside to the place where your inner wisdom has the answer.

Your future is being created right now. Today. With every thought you think and action you take, or don’t take…

As you consider whether this program is the right one for your life and business, consider this with your big picture in mind. We often create our futures from who and where we are right now, from what we think is possible, not what our limitless potential makes possible.

Take a moment to imagine what your limitless potential looks like. If it includes mastering the art of living on purpose and manifesting wealth, then click the button below and join us now.


Have more questions?

Chat with me personally on FacebookDM me on InstagramOr Click Here to Email Me

I absolutely love this group. I’ve felt like an outcast for much of my life; always been the square peg pushing myself into a round hole. Just never fit. Here I think and feel at home!

Prema, I absolutely love the support you and your community are flowing to me on my journey to unlocking my Sacred Wealth Code. I feel “Seen” and valued. I have stepped confidently into my power in the work I do.

Jennifer Kaplan – Leadership Coach using the Horse Human Connection

This work has been instrumental in facilitating the clarity and courage to pursue, and strength for my vision, and working through my blocks that limit my growth. Prema’s compassion and expertise has provided guidance in my desire to reinvent myself based on my heart and soul’s purpose.

You are such a joy to work with and I am truly grateful to have found you to help me gently find my life’s purpose, be true to myself and manifest more money for travel and pursue my art. Prema’s program is simply and purely amazing and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Tina Gain, RN and Art Teacher – Art from the Heart

Me before The Soulutionary Blueprint:

No clients — Recently changed my focus on my Biz – Craved an inward approach vs. cranking out some outward structure and trying to do it right – struggled with distraction and needed to know how to focus in when I trailed off.

I was very curious about my gifts, my wealth code, and wanted to be sure I was really truly shining in my gifts.

What I achieved in The Soulutionary Blueprint:

Got crystal clear on my mission and messaging – enjoyed creating great content to engage and build my tribe, started my first ever group program – enjoyed basking in my gifts, and shining in them, taking action that is inspired, playful, creative, and self-nurturing.

Karen Reinhold – Creativity & Music Coach

I came to Prema mainly because I had spent an entire year laser-focused on building my conscious business; After a year of intense work on my conscious business, I still had resistance, self-doubt and a deep knowing that I had more inner work to do. When I found Prema the resonance and connection was powerful. It was crystal clear that her program was my next step in cleaning up my inner alignment. My experience has been amazing. Her and her community are loving, giving, supportive and Prema super in-tune with what’s going on in the world of energy. As well, she is always on point with what I need to do. Since doing her trainings, meditations, and processes, I’ve brought in new clients effortlessly. I am now receiving “downloads,” – ideas and intuitive hits, daily. In working with my own clients, my coaching has miraculously transformed and clients are basically blown away. I’m ecstatic!

If you’re serious about getting more in touch with your essence, hearing and trusting your inner voice and being able to make a bigger impact in the world, work with Prema sooner than later. She’ll help you step into your authenticity and power with grace and ease.

Lisa Winston – Authenticity & Life Reinvention Coach

Since joining Prema’s program I have made breakthroughs that have allowed me to step into ownership of my talent, skill and confidence as a solopreneur.

I felt so supported with Prema’s guidance and her ability to discern key timing issues for launches, as well as personal support based on Vedic Astrology and her deep understanding of how I ‘tick’. I’ve significantly increased my income, hired a great team, released an eBook, and confidently presented a 2-hour training at a recent conference of high-level coaches, psychologists and energy medicine practitioners.

Dana Louise Williams “The Artist of Change” EFT/NLP Expert


© Copyright 2013-2023 | All Rights Reserved

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SBP | CART $700 x 12pay

ONE FULL YEAR OF ACCESSAffordable payment plan!

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up Today:

Instant access to the program contentOne Soul Blueprint Reading with Prema (60 min)Your Sacred Wealth Code ReadingSacred Wealth Code BookVideo trainings, and downloadable PDFs12 monthly Vedic Astrology UpdatesVedic Astrology TrainingsInner Growth & Business Growth TrainingsSoul Business Building ToolsProductivity & Flow TrainingsMeditations & Clearing ProcessesAccess to Exclusive Private Mastermind12 Month Access to Q&A Calls12 Month Access to Full Moon Healing Circles

The Soulutionary Mastermind
After today's payment, this card will be charged
$1,666.00 every month for 11 payments
for The Soulutionary Mastermind

Need help? We’re just an email away! 

© Copyright 2013-2023 | All Rights Reserved

Order Forms SBP

SBP | CART $2,400 x 3pay

The Soulutionary Blueprint Program Investment $ 7,2003 Payments of $2,400

The Soulutionary Blueprint
After today's payment, this card will be charged
$6,333.00 every month for 2 payments
for The Soulutionary Blueprint

© Copyright 2013-2023 | All Rights Reserved

Agreements SBP

SBP | Agreement ($700 x 12pay = $8,400)

Soulutionary Mastermind Agreement | $1666 x 12 Payments


Please sign your Soulutionary Mastermind Agreement below.
Once you do you will receive a separate email with your login information to the Program Portal, and getting started instructions.



The following Terms of Enrollment Agreement govern your participation in the Program presented by Soulutionary Inc. DBA Soulutionary (“Company or We”). Please read these Terms of Enrollment carefully. By visiting and using the Program Portal Website you agree that your use of our Website, participation in our Program, and use of Program materials is governed by the following terms and conditions, together with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy accessed on our website. 

The Soulutionary Mastermind (“Program”) is delivered online and over video/ phone conferencing, and includes a 30 plus module video/audio program, customized mentorship within a group setting. You will gain access to this support via group Mastermind calls hot seat coaching and a private online community, receive strategic, high-level guidance when you need it. 


What’s Included:

  • Immediate access to private community and program portal.
  • Immediate access to Mastermind calls with hot seat coaching (2x month) with Prema to get your questions answered and receive personalized mentoring. 
  • Your Sacred Wealth Code Reading is a detailed description (PDF) of your Archetypes, with their unique personal identifiers and gifts with training and meditation.
  • Sacred Wealth Code Book (Downloadable)
  • Training Modules (video/audio) for Inner Growth and Business Growth, Archetypes, Business Building Tools, Meditations, Clearing Processes and more. So you have everything you need to navigate your Soul Blueprint both spiritually and practically. 
  • Vedic Astrology Trainings to gain a deeper understanding of how the celestial energy works uniquely in relationship to you.
  • Private Telegram group to engage with community and ask Prema questions between Mastermind calls.
  • 12 Monthly Vedic Astrology Updates
  • 12 Monthly Healing Circles
  • Access to Sacred Wealth Membership


Membership and Fees

The cost of the program is $19,992 USD Paid in 12 monthly payments of $1,666, with first payment made at time of signing, and 11 monthly payments to follow.

We have a “No Refund” policy. No refunds will be granted at any time, or for any reason. 

Should you fail to remit any of the required payments on time you will be charged a $100 late fee. If you have not corrected the situation in a prompt manner, Soulutionary may terminate further services, and you will be responsible for the remaining balance of the Program. 



Program education and information is intended for a general audience and does not purport to be, nor should it be construed as, specific advice, tailored to any individual. All materials, procedures, policies, and standards, all teaching manuals, all teaching aids, all supplements and the like that have been or will be made available by the Company or its designated facilitators, or any other source, oral or written, are for personal use in or in conjunction with this training program only. 

Program content is for personal use only, and may not be sold, recorded, videotaped, shared, taught, given away, or otherwise divulged without the express written consent of the Company, or its designated agent. The information contained in program material is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this material, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. 

We assume no responsibility for errors or omissions that may appear in any program materials. Usernames and passwords may not be shared with any third-parties. 

Any violation of Company’s policies regarding content usage shall result in the immediate termination of your enrollment without refund. 


Privacy & Confidentiality.

We respect your privacy and must insist that you respect the privacy of fellow Program participants. Do not to infringe any Program- participants or the Company's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights; 

  • that any Confidential Information shared by Program participants or any representative of the Company is confidential and Proprietary, and belongs solely and exclusively to the Participant who discloses it or the Company; 
  • not to disclose such information to any other person or use it in any manner other than in discussion with other Program participants during Program sessions; 
  • that all materials and information provided to you by the Company are its confidential and proprietary intellectual property belong solely and exclusively to the Company, and may only be used by you as authorized by the Company; 
  • the reproduction, distribution and sale of these materials by anyone but the Company is strictly prohibited; 

We respect your confidential and proprietary information ideas, plans and trade secrets (collectively, "Confidential Information") and must insist that you respect the same rights of fellow Program participants and of the Company. 

Thus, you agree: 

  • that if you violate, or display any likelihood of violating, any of your agreements contained in this paragraph the Company and/or the other Program participant(s) will be entitled to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations to protect against the harm of such violations. 

While you are free to discuss your personal results from our programs and training, you must keep the experiences and statements, oral or written, of all other participants in the strictest of confidence 


These are NOT included in Program: 

  1. Done-for-you services of any kind are not included. 
  2. Endorsements. You are not receiving an endorsement from Soulutionary or Prema Lee Gurreri, and neither is any other participant. Do not create the appearance of an endorsement or rely on any person who claims to be endorsed by Soulutionary. 
  3. Ownership of Written and Recorded Materials. As a participant, you will have one license to view written materials provided by Soulutionary. You do not have ownership of this information, which is protected by Federal Copyright Laws. Some of the information is also protected by a contractual license between the provider and Soulutionary. You may not copy, re-engineer, distribute, or otherwise provide access to this information to any other person, for free or paid, without express written consent of Soulutionary, which it may withhold for any reason, and purchase of a license (prices start at $6,000). Any violation of Company’s policies regarding content usage shall result in the immediate termination of your enrollment without refund. 
  4. Trademark Usage. Soulutionary protects its names! You are not receiving permission to use trade and service marks like Soulutionary, Sacred Wealth Code, Sacred Wealth Collective, Sacred Wealth Code Journey and associated logos or any other trademark of the Company, even if not listed here. 
  5. Results Not Guaranteed. You are receiving a space in the program, support and guidance, but not guaranteed results from participating in the program. 

While Soulutionary is absolutely convinced that you will derive great benefits from our Soulutionary Mastermind Program and that You should become as successful as You envision, We of course cannot represent or guarantee that you will attain a certain level of sales, profits or earnings as a result of our Program. Your success depends on many factors, including your personal motivation, time commitment, how effectively you implement the strategies taught, and your efficiency in following up on each phase. The cost of this Program is an “investment” in yourself and, as with any investment, there is both great potential for a great return on your investment, and a risk there is no return on this investment. We can guarantee, however that you WILL learn a lot of usable and translatable strategies for success that, when followed by others, have achieved life changing results. 


Interactive Features 

It is a condition of your use of the Site and participation in the Program that you do not: 

  • Restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Site. 
  • Use the Site to impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity. 
  • Interfere with or disrupt any servers or networks used to provide the Site or its features, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of the networks we use to provide the Site. 
  • Use the Site to instigate or encourage others to commit illegal activities or cause injury or property damage to any person. 
  • Gain unauthorized access to the Site, or any account, computer system, or network connected to this Site, by means such as hacking, password mining or other illicit means. 
  • Obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available through this Site. 
  • Use the Site to post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane or indecent information of any kind, including without limitation any transmissions constituting or encouraging conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any local, state, national or international law. 
  • Use the Site to post or transmit any information, software or other material that violates or infringes upon the rights of others, including material that is an invasion of privacy or publicity rights or that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right, or derivative works with respect thereto, without first obtaining permission from the owner or rights holder. 
  • Use the Site to post or transmit any information, software or other material that contains a virus or other harmful component. 
  • Use the Site to post, transmit or in any way exploit any information, software or other material for commercial purposes, or that contains advertising. 
  • Use the Site to advertise or solicit to anyone to buy or sell products or services, or to make donations of any kind, without our express written approval. 
  • Gather for marketing purposes any email addresses or other personal information that has been posted by other users of the Site. 

COMPANY may host Facebook groups, message boards, chats and other public forums. Any user failing to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement may be expelled from and refused continued access to the message boards, chats or other public forums in the future. 

COMPANY or its designated agents may remove or alter any user-created content at any time for any reason. Groups, chats and other public forums are intended to serve as discussion centers for users and subscribers. Information and content posted within these public forums may be provided by COMPANY staff, COMPANY's outside contributors, or by users not connected with COMPANY, some of whom may employ anonymous user names. 

COMPANY expressly disclaims all responsibility and endorsement and makes no representation as to the validity of any opinion, advice, information or statement made or displayed in these forums by third parties, nor are we responsible for any errors or omissions in such postings, or for hyperlinks embedded in any messages. Under no circumstances will we, our affiliates, suppliers or agents be liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on information obtained through these forums. The opinions expressed in these forums are solely the opinions of the participants, and do not reflect the opinions of COMPANY or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. 

COMPANY has no obligation whatsoever to monitor any of the content or postings on the message boards, chat rooms or other public forums on the Sites. However, you acknowledge and agree that we have the absolute right to monitor the same at our sole discretion. In addition, we reserve the right to alter, edit, refuse to post or remove any postings or content, in whole or in part, for any reason and to disclose such materials and the circumstances surrounding their transmission to any third party in order to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request and to protect ourselves, our clients, sponsors, users and visitors. 


Additional Terms: 

  • NO REFUNDS policy.
    By signing this Agreement, you acknowledge that no one has represented to you that refunds are available. Even if you cannot participate for any reason, you will continue to be billed according to the schedule in Section 1 of this Agreement through the end of the Term. Soulutionary considers this policy a material inducement to entering into this Agreement, and would not have done so unless this No Refunds policy were included. If you initiate a chargeback, Soulutionary may issue an additional $500 fee to you. 
  • Disclaimer of Warranties.
    Participant understands the Program is offered on an “as-is, where-is” basis, without any implied or express warranty as to its performance or to the results that may be obtained by using the program. This limited warranty is the only express warranty made to you and is provided in lieu of any other express warranties (if any) created by any documentation.
  • If we get sued due to something you did:
    You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Soulutionary, its affiliates, successors and assigns from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, lawsuits, costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees at all tribunal levels) arising out of or related to any activity, work, or other thing done or permitted to be done by you where such liability arises from negligence on your part or the violation of this Agreement.  This includes any liability arising from breach of confidentiality by any party. 
  • Damages are limited under this Agreement.
  • No Professional Advice.
    The Company does not engage in the rendering of services. You acknowledge that you will make your own decisions before acting on any information gained from this program. It is further understood that before you utilize any techniques suggested by this program, you should consult licensed professionals as applicable.
  • Participation in the program.
    We are committed to providing all participants with a positive experience. Thus, COMPANY may, at its sole discretion, limit, suspend, or terminate your participation in any of its programs, live, recorded, social media-based or digital without refund or forgiveness of remaining payments if: 
  • You become disruptive or difficult to work with; 
  • You fail to follow the program guidelines; or, 
  • You impair the participation of our instructors or participants in our program(s) 
  • Washington law governs this Agreement and it will be enforced by either party in Washington state.
    This Agreement will be governed by Washington state law, without regard to its conflicts of law principles. I understand and agree that I submit to the personal jurisdiction and venue of this state and agree that any legal proceeding commenced shall take place in .
  • No Assignment; No oral waivers or modifications.
    This Agreement may not be assigned to any other party. Its requirements may not be waived or modified except in writing signed by the Company. 
  • Electronic Signatures and Other Documents.
    You agree that your electronic signature is valid and binding evidence of your assent to the terms of this Agreement. You agree to sign additional documents which may be necessary to complete the material purpose of this Agreement, including without limitation, payment authorizations. 
  • No relationship.
    The parties hereto expressly understand and agree that they are not employers or employees, principals and agents, or partners or co-venturers in the performance of each and every part of this Agreement, and they remain solely responsible for all of their respective employees and agents.
  • Termination.
    We may also terminate services if, in our sole opinion, You are conducting yourself or your business in a manner which is disparaging or disruptive to Soulutionary or infringes upon Soulutionary or violates the confidentiality covenant stated above. In no event will any refunds be issued. 
  • As part of my participation in the Program, I agree that Soulutionary INC. may video record, audio record, capture my likeness, voice, and statements made, on group Mastermind Q&A calls for recorded replays posted to program portal Site.

By entering into this The Soulutionary Blueprint Program Agreement, You agree to have read and understand the foregoing provisions and agree to be bound hereby. 

I have read the foregoing Agreement, understand its terms, and agree:

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Signed by Prema Lee Gurerri, President Soulutionary, INC
Signed On: September 23, 2024

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January 20, 2023 2:40 pm PDTSoulutionary Mastermind Agreement | $1666 x 12 Payments Uploaded by Prema Lee Gurerri, President Soulutionary, INC - IP
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Navratri – 9 Day Celebration Of The Divine Feminine

On these nine days every year after the new moon that follows the autumn equinox we learn to further embody the divine feminine through honor the goddesses Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.

Durga Clearing Process

With the help of the Goddess Durga’s energy clear the weeds and stones from your garden [fear, limiting beliefs, false beliefs].

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Divine Guidance Process

A short series of questions to ask your soul to get deeper information and guidance where ever you are on your path whether you are in a good place and just curious for more information or dealing with a challenge.

Divine Guidance Process

Click Here to Play

Divine Guidance Process Worksheet

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Created with ♡ by Unicorn Mojo Creative

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Soulutionary Mastermind Checkout

The Soulutionary Mastermind with Prema Lee Gurreri The secret power behind successful women. An exclusive live group mentorship mastermind that changes lives.

Choose the payment plan that works best for you for one year access!

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up Today:

Instant Access to Course Materials Live Vedic Astrology Business Sesssion on Zoom (1 Per Month)Your Sacred Wealth Code Reading, Video Trainings & Meditations LIVE Group Mentorship Calls on Zoom with Prema (2 Per Month)Vedic Astrology Videos Updates (2 per month)Private Telegram Group with Community and PremaLive Sacred Full Moon Healing Circles (1 per Month)Access To Sacred Wealth Collective MembershipMy Signature Vedic Astrology TrainingsMy Soulutionary Blueprint Vault of Personal Growth and Business Growth Trainings: The Soulutionary Blueprint Soul Business Building ToolsMy Vault of Guided MeditationsMy Vault of Clearing ProcessesAccess To Programs Released Outside The Mastermind During Your Year. 

The Soulutionary Blueprint
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Need help? My team is just an email away! 

Prema gave me my Sacred Wealth Code, and I attracted an ideal client on the very same day worth $10,000 in profits. Now, I can laser focus on what will actually create the money I’ve been seeking while serving the visionaries and entrepreneurs I am truly meant to serve.

In the Soulutionary Blueprint program, I am learning to use my greatest gifts to do my highest service and am creating more money doing what I love than I ever have!

Margaret Saizan

Mentor to Visionary Artists

Being in this Mastermind empowered me to break six-figures this year!

This is an invaluable resource for anyone waiting to take their mission to higher levels.

I feel like I can sink deeper into my strengths and be consciously aware of my shadow behaviors. Prema’s gifts and insights with Vedic Astrology are not to be underestimated.

Rebecca Loveless

Teacher -Structured Word Inquiry

SThrough my work with Prema, I realized I was forcing myself to fit into a vision that wasn’t ME on a soul level.

I learned to let go of the fear of embracing my gifts and ended up landing a job where I could be myself 100% and started making more money than I ever did in my life!

Meagan Ruppert

Business Strategist

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

Sales Pages SBP

SBP | Book a Call Page 3.0

For conscious visionaries who are ready to chart their path to success with energetics, astrology, and intuition so they can transform their life and business from the inside out. 

You know that the time is now to learn, once and for all, how to master the art of living on purpose and manifesting wealth.

The Soulutionary Blueprint is a one of a kind program that includes all the tools and guidance you need to trust and embody all of who you are. You will lead confidently with your divine gifts, make the impact you are here to make, and create a new level of success and prosperity.

Book A Call Now!

See if this you?

You’ve had some success but know you’re capable of achieving more, but have no idea how.You know you are here to make a big impact, but are unsure exactly what it will look like.You have many gifts and talents and struggle to bring them all into your business.You want to move forward but are unsure what is holding you back.You often question yourself and wonder if it’s actually possible to have the impact and prosperity you desire.

You want to:

Spend less time to make more impact.Know without a doubt that what you are doing has a positive impact on the world.Have confidence that what you are doing is exactly what you are meant to do.A clear vision of what your ideal life looks like so you can create from there.Trust yourself so you can let go of limitations, fears, doubt, thinking you must sacrifice or struggle. You can have things feel easy.Ability to live and work on your own terms not burn out from overwork or overwhelm.Create wealth without hard work, from a place of knowing it is yours to create.Book A Call Now!

Here’s where it get’s juicy. This is a peek at what you’ll get when you join me and the other women in this community.

The ability to make decisions from a place of absolute confidence and trust that you are on the right path, making the right decisions, and that everything is happening to give you the best possible outcome.A clear, understanding of your high value gifts and how to integrate them into your life and work.A feeling of ease and joy knowing you are on the your soul path in your life and business.Full alignment with your soul, to attract soulmate clients and exciting opportunities with ease and flow. Understanding of the power of your Sacred Wealth Archetypes and how to use them to increase your impact.The fierce knowing that you are fulfilling your soul’s purpose, that you are working in perfect timing, and that all you desire to have and create is truly on its way to you.

This has been a total game changer for me! I went from being scattered in my business and only having  a couple of clients to totally transforming myself and my business with the power of inner-work in the SBP program. I’ve attracted ideal clients, raised my prices, created and teach my Freedom Alignment method, wrote a book and even found my soulmate.  

Kirsty Bortoft – Stress and Anxiety Coach, Author

How is The Soulutionary Blueprint® different from other Soulful Business Programs?

We go deep. There are many “soul centered business” programs out there. At first glance, some might look just like this one. And there may be some similarities. But where they offer basic business skills with a heart centered approach, I’ve found from speaking to clients who have taken them, they only skim the surface of what’s needed.

Have you have been disappointed with the results you got that other programs have promised? But you know in your body and soul that there must be more for you? Then keep reading because this program was designed with you in mind. 

Here’s Why… For the past few years I’ve worked to infuse myself into every nook and cranny of this program. What this means for you is that for every challenge, problem, or need you have, there is a training, meditation, energetic clearing, or tool to help you get moving in the right direction.

A big difference between this program and others? You will receive your Soul Blueprint and Sacred Wealth Code. These comprise your unique plan for living your purpose and creating wealth in all aspects of life. (It’s not just money, honey.) Other programs offer a one size fits all kind of plan. With the Soulutionary Blueprint you have a specialized pathway laid out for you and all of the tools necessary to walk that soul journey.

This program combines personal touch with an individualized plan and do-it-yourself resources. You can drop in and get real time support with me on our Mastermind Q&A calls. I have mapped your Soul Blueprint and Sacred Wealth Code, I will give you the personalized help you need, which will reveal the best next step and inspired action to take, so you get the biggest impact. Inside the program portal, you’ll be able to access the exact resources you need to implement that inspired action so that you can consistently move forward in your life and business with grace and ease.

Being a heart centered (or any other style of ) entrepreneur is not easy… But it can be personally and financially rewarding. To get there you need proven strategies and mentoring from someone who has done what you want to do AND has taught others how to grow and enjoy a sustainable and successful business.

Book A Call Now!

As I read my descriptions of my Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes, I felt like I saw my whole life coming together. So many past and present experiences became connected and aligned to what I know to be my calling in the world. It brought tears to my eyes to read such a deep description of me – my traits, my shadows, what I stand for in the world.

Having this guidebook empowered me to break six-figures this year! I feel like I can sink deeper into my strengths and be consciously aware of my shadow behaviors. Prema’s gifts and insights with Vedic Astrology are not to be underestimated. This is an invaluable resource for anyone waiting to take their movement to higher levels.

Rebecca Loveless – Structured Word Inquiry Coach

Prema gave me my Sacred Wealth Code and I got clear on what my highest-value gifts are and busted free from confusion about how to increase the profits in my business. I attracted an ideal client on the very same day worth $10,000 in profits. Because I now know how I am wired for money, I can laser focus on what will actually create the money I’ve been seeking, while serving the visionaries and entrepreneurs I am truly meant to serve. 

Prema continues to teach and guide me in her Soulutionary Blueprint program to use my greatest gifts to do my highest service and I am creating more money doing what I love than I ever have.

Margaret Saizan – Coach for Visionaries and Artists

I was so frustrated because I had worked so hard, did “all the right things” and yet I just couldn’t get things to click. I know I was destined for so much more but regardless of what I did, I kept coming up short. I was broke and it hurt – especially after investing in so many coaches and mentors to help me break through.

Through my work with Prema, I realized I was forcing myself to fit into a vision that wasn’t ME on a soul level. I learned to let go of the fear of embracing my gifts. I ended up landing a job where I could be myself 100% and started making more money than I ever did in my life.

Life finally became fun and easy – which I honestly never thought was possible.

Meagan Ruppert – Business Strategist

The Soulutionary Blueprint is built on the following framework:

Vedic Astrology: Your Soul Blueprint

Vedic Astrology gives you the keys to unlock your Soul Blueprint for a deep understanding of how your choices, purpose, and divine gifts are encoded at soul level and how you are meant to use them.

Your Sacred Wealth Code®: Where Purpose and Prosperity Meet

Wealth is everything you need to fulfill your purpose. Discover your Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes to understand your highest-value gifts and activate your soul purpose.

Learn how to use your unique brilliance in your business, career, so that you create prosperity doing the work you are meant to and create the impact that is yours to contribute.

Break Free From Your Shadow: Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs

Your Sacred Wealth Code sheds light on your shadow side to uncover unconscious patterns and beliefs that are holding you back, so you can finally break free and avoid the pitfalls and struggles that have held you back in the past.

Monthly Vedic Astrology Updates: Go With the Flow

These updates will show you how to best move forward with your soul plan so that the work you do is done with divine timing. This means you don’t get derailed with bad decisions that cost you time, energy and money.

Own Your Value: Shifting Into an Energetic State of Allowing and Receiving

Learn how to align with the energy of abundance to create more prosperity. Release your money blocks and patterns, own your worth, and finally receive more. Know exactly what you should be doing right now to consciously create wealth with the gifts you have been given.

Intuition: Learn to Tap Into Your Intuition, Follow It, and Trust It

Your gut is usually right and your heart knows the way. Develop unshakeable self trust so that you consistently make great decisions in your business and life and take inspired action to bring your vision to life and move your mission forward in your unique way.

Become a Conscious Creator

Master how to use the universal principles of Conscious Creation in order to radically align with the Law of Attraction, which attracts opportunities and abundance to you.

Divine Feminine: Sacred Masculine Energy Balance: Be Nourished, Not Burned Out

Discover how to activate your divine feminine power to be in the flow and adeptly apply your sacred masculine energy, so you are nourished, focused, fulfilled, and productive… without burning out.

Attract and Enroll Your Soulmate Clients:

Align with your soulmate clients and tribe and watch as customers come to you and opportunities open themselves to you. Using the Heart Centered Sales and Enrollment process you will learn to authentically invite people to work with you, invest in you and buy your products without sounding salesy.

Practical Soul Business & Life Strategy and Inspired Action:

Receive Soul Aligned practical strategies for your business and life based off of YOUR Vedic Astrology chart and Sacred Wealth Code that will focus you on the exact next steps to take and how to take them.

Book A Call Now!

As you consider whether to book a call, please know that our conversation isn’t about selling you something. It’s to help you discover if this is the right place for you to learn, grow, and confidently live your purpose. 

If you know it’s time to master the art of living on purpose and manifesting wealth from the inside out, then click the button below, book a call, and get your questions answered.

For years I had been trying to find a life and purposeful work that felt like it fit me, because I was not sure what I was good at anymore. With Prema’s guidance, working with the tools in the program, and the community I have created a very healthy income while crafting the kind of purposeful work I truly enjoy. I no longer doubt myself and totally understand my gifts and how I am meant to use them. 

Kiki Ong – Organizational Consultant & Leadership Coach

I was transitioning from a 40 year career in teaching to my own business in LIfe Coaching for children and I needed clarity around the nuts and bolts of how to do it. I never invested in something like this before and it was a bit scary, but once I joined the program I was welcomed into a beautiful world of discovery, self reflection, skill building, and community. I had the support I needed to not only launch my business, but develop myself! 

Laraine Ray – Teacher/Life Coach for Children

Book A Call Now!

I absolutely love this group. I’ve felt like an outcast for much of my life; always been the square peg pushing myself into a round hole. Just never fit. Here I think and feel at home!

Prema, I absolutely love the support you and your community are flowing to me on my journey to unlocking my Sacred Wealth Code. I feel “Seen” and valued. I have stepped confidently into my power in the work I do.

Jennifer Kaplan – Leadership Coach using the Horse Human Connection

This work has been instrumental in facilitating the clarity and courage to pursue, and strength for my vision, and working through my blocks that limit my growth. Prema’s compassion and expertise has provided guidance in my desire to reinvent myself based on my heart and soul’s purpose.

You are such a joy to work with and I am truly grateful to have found you to help me gently find my life’s purpose, be true to myself and manifest more money for travel and pursue my art. Prema’s program is simply and purely amazing and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Tina Gain, RN and Art Teacher – Art from the Heart

Me before The Soulutionary Blueprint:

No clients — Recently changed my focus on my Biz – Craved an inward approach vs. cranking out some outward structure and trying to do it right – struggled with distraction and needed to know how to focus in when I trailed off.

I was very curious about my gifts, my wealth code, and wanted to be sure I was really truly shining in my gifts.

What I achieved in The Soulutionary Blueprint:

Got crystal clear on my mission and messaging – enjoyed creating great content to engage and build my tribe, started my first ever group program – enjoyed basking in my gifts, and shining in them, taking action that is inspired, playful, creative, and self-nurturing.

Karen Reinhold – Creativity & Music Coach

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I came to Prema mainly because I had spent an entire year laser-focused on building my conscious business; After a year of intense work on my conscious business, I still had resistance, self-doubt and a deep knowing that I had more inner work to do. When I found Prema the resonance and connection was powerful. It was crystal clear that her program was my next step in cleaning up my inner alignment. My experience has been amazing. Her and her community are loving, giving, supportive and Prema super in-tune with what’s going on in the world of energy. As well, she is always on point with what I need to do. Since doing her trainings, meditations, and processes, I’ve brought in new clients effortlessly. I am now receiving “downloads,” – ideas and intuitive hits, daily. In working with my own clients, my coaching has miraculously transformed and clients are basically blown away. I’m ecstatic!

If you’re serious about getting more in touch with your essence, hearing and trusting your inner voice and being able to make a bigger impact in the world, work with Prema sooner than later. She’ll help you step into your authenticity and power with grace and ease.

Lisa Winston – Authenticity & Life Reinvention Coach

Since joining Prema’s program I have made breakthroughs that have allowed me to step into ownership of my talent, skill and confidence as a solopreneur.

I felt so supported with Prema’s guidance and her ability to discern key timing issues for launches, as well as personal support based on Vedic Astrology and her deep understanding of how I ‘tick’. I’ve significantly increased my income, hired a great team, released an eBook, and confidently presented a 2-hour training at a recent conference of high-level coaches, psychologists and energy medicine practitioners.

Dana Louise Williams “The Artist of Change” EFT/NLP Expert

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