Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes
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The Messenger
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The Messenger
MANTRA: “I bring the light of awareness.”
SOUL DESIRE: To be an interpreter of the divine mind.
PURPOSE: To translate and deliver news and truths which wake others up to new perceptions and a higher level of being.
SHADOW: Scattered. Selfish. Fickle. Uncommitted. Confused.
The Messenger is a perceptive, intelligent, and versatile interpreter who delivers the truth or news that others most need to hear. The Messenger acts as a versatile bridge between the three domains of mind, body, and spirit.
Messengers are masters of both the spoken and written word, and can be found in all walks of life. As a Messenger you may be known as a mediator, guide, agent, courier, emissary, astrologer, ambassador, forerunner, minister, herald, advisor, reporter, liaison, negotiator, attorney, representative, or storyteller.
Your potent and eloquent way of communicating is intended to alter others’ consciousness so they can awaken and evolve to a higher level of being.
You are candid, amiable, insightful, good-humored, and well-connected to the road of consciousness. All forms of language are your currency. You are a gifted storyteller who creatively delivers truthful messages at precisely the right times, and know how to set the stage so that your wisdom doesn’t fall on deaf ears. You are a divine scribe who knows that the pen is mightier than the sword, and have the unique genius to artfully translate the soul languages of scriptures, dreams, archetypes, and ancient texts, so that humanity can understand their divine wisdom and easily discover the personal value they hold. This can literally be life-changing for others.
As a Messenger, you shine the light of awareness through the news you deliver. You awaken people, communities, and organizations to the truth so they can more effectively mobilize their energy and efforts in order to reach their goals and fulfill their missions. You are flexible, and have the high-value gift of streaming information from the creative and logical minds simultaneously. This makes you an excellent negotiator and “middle man” who brings things to a fruitful conclusion for all concerned.
You are greatly valued for your natural adaptability, as well as for your ability to track information on multiple levels while staying on course. Where others would easily get lost or distracted, you can navigate the way to your intended outcome. You are a gatekeeper of perception on the path to integrating mind, body, and spirit, and have the unique genius to blend and amalgamate information to create new pathways and opportunities for others.
The Shadow of The Messenger
If you are in the shadow energy of the Messenger, you can become scattered and stuck in confusion about what’s true and what’s not. You might have difficulty making sense of what you see and hear, and so your thoughts might go from being like a golden thread of truth to feeling like a tangled, useless ball of string. This inner entanglement leaves you tongue-tied, frustrated, and unable to deliver a clear message.
If you are stuck in your head, multi-tasking too much, or not adequately attending to your body and spirit, you will become unbalanced and separated from your purpose. Trying to function from the neck up is like firing on only one out of three cylinders, and it will cut you off from your greater brilliance. If you let yourself become too worn down, you will stall out. This can lead you to disappoint the people who rely on your wisdom and clarity, or even give up on your mission entirely.
When stressed, you are fickle and selfish. You change your mind constantly, and this may lead others to think you can’t be trusted. Your light of awareness grows dim, and you become a messenger of negativity instead of positive growth. This can leave you sad, isolated, and blocked.
If you find yourself in the shadow of The Messenger, you are stretched too thin, unbalanced, and cut off from the divine mind. It’s time to draw your energy inward and replenish your mind, body, and spirit. Meditate, read inspirational or spiritual books, get some bodywork, exercise, make love, and spend time in nature. Once you replenish all three levels of your energy, you will return to balance, and your light of awareness will shine brightly once more.
High-Value Gifts
Higher PerspectiveSkilled TranslatorNegotiationGood-HumoredInsightfulGood CommunicatorTalented SpeakerTalented WriterWakes People Up to the TruthCreates New OpportunitiesMobilizes Others Into ActionFlexible and Adaptable
Inspired Action Plan
“I am committed to living in balance with body, mind, and spirit so I can give my high-value gifts to serve others in awakening to a higher level of being.”
Tapping In With Your Messenger
Consult with your Messenger by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.
What are my Messenger’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?
Coming Out of the Shadows
What aspects of The Messenger’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?
The Messenger Archetype Inspiration Guide
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