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The Messenger



The Messenger Training

The Messenger Tapping In Questions

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The Messenger



MANTRA: “I bring the light of awareness.”

SOUL DESIRE: To be an interpreter of the divine mind.

PURPOSE: To translate and deliver news and truths which wake others up to new perceptions and a higher level of being.

SHADOW: Scattered. Selfish. Fickle. Uncommitted. Confused.

The Messenger is a perceptive, intelligent, and versatile interpreter who delivers the truth or news that others most need to hear. The Messenger acts as a versatile bridge between the three domains of mind, body, and spirit.

Messengers are masters of both the spoken and written word, and can be found in all walks of life. As a Messenger you may be known as a mediator, guide, agent, courier, emissary, astrologer, ambassador, forerunner, minister, herald, advisor, reporter, liaison, negotiator, attorney, representative, or storyteller.

Your potent and eloquent way of communicating is intended to alter others’ consciousness so they can awaken and evolve to a higher level of being.

You are candid, amiable, insightful, good-humored, and well-connected to the road of consciousness. All forms of language are your currency. You are a gifted storyteller who creatively delivers truthful messages at precisely the right times, and know how to set the stage so that your wisdom doesn’t fall on deaf ears. You are a divine scribe who knows that the pen is mightier than the sword, and have the unique genius to artfully translate the soul languages of scriptures, dreams, archetypes, and ancient texts, so that humanity can understand their divine wisdom and easily discover the personal value they hold. This can literally be life-changing for others.

As a Messenger, you shine the light of awareness through the news you deliver. You awaken people, communities, and organizations to the truth so they can more effectively mobilize their energy and efforts in order to reach their goals and fulfill their missions. You are flexible, and have the high-value gift of streaming information from the creative and logical minds simultaneously. This makes you an excellent negotiator and “middle man” who brings things to a fruitful conclusion for all concerned.

You are greatly valued for your natural adaptability, as well as for your ability to track information on multiple levels while staying on course. Where others would easily get lost or distracted, you can navigate the way to your intended outcome. You are a gatekeeper of perception on the path to integrating mind, body, and spirit, and have the unique genius to blend and amalgamate information to create new pathways and opportunities for others.

The Shadow of The Messenger

If you are in the shadow energy of the Messenger, you can become scattered and stuck in confusion about what’s true and what’s not. You might have difficulty making sense of what you see and hear, and so your thoughts might go from being like a golden thread of truth to feeling like a tangled, useless ball of string. This inner entanglement leaves you tongue-tied, frustrated, and unable to deliver a clear message.

If you are stuck in your head, multi-tasking too much, or not adequately attending to your body and spirit, you will become unbalanced and separated from your purpose. Trying to function from the neck up is like firing on only one out of three cylinders, and it will cut you off from your greater brilliance. If you let yourself become too worn down, you will stall out. This can lead you to disappoint the people who rely on your wisdom and clarity, or even give up on your mission entirely.

When stressed, you are fickle and selfish. You change your mind constantly, and this may lead others to think you can’t be trusted. Your light of awareness grows dim, and you become a messenger of negativity instead of positive growth. This can leave you sad, isolated, and blocked.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Messenger, you are stretched too thin, unbalanced, and cut off from the divine mind. It’s time to draw your energy inward and replenish your mind, body, and spirit. Meditate, read inspirational or spiritual books, get some bodywork, exercise, make love, and spend time in nature. Once you replenish all three levels of your energy, you will return to balance, and your light of awareness will shine brightly once more.

High-Value Gifts

Higher PerspectiveSkilled TranslatorNegotiationGood-HumoredInsightfulGood CommunicatorTalented SpeakerTalented WriterWakes People Up to the TruthCreates New OpportunitiesMobilizes Others Into ActionFlexible and Adaptable

Inspired Action Plan

“I am committed to living in balance with body, mind, and spirit so I can give my high-value gifts to serve others in awakening to a higher level of being.”

Tapping In With Your Messenger

Consult with your Messenger by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Messenger’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Messenger’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Messenger Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Archetypes: Muse

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The Muse



MANTRA: “I inspire, and I am inspired.”

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for creativity and genius.

PURPOSE: To make life a form of art.

SHADOW: Inner critic. Control issues. Scattered. Lack of follow-through.

The Muse is the creative voice of the soul. If you are working with the Muse Archetype, you have a direct connection with divine inspiration.

As a Muse, you are here to manifest your truth in co-creation with the Universe and others. Your purpose and mission is to make life a form of art. You are smart, creative, and sensitive. You have your own personal style and authentic stance, which you express through your work in the world.

The Muse in you is an introvert by nature. You can easily shut out the external noise of the world to hear the creative whisper of your soul. You are a divine interpreter who sees the creative genius that may be invisible to others.

You are an exceptional collaborator who gives inspiration and clarity to, and facilitates growth in, all those whom you encounter. You understand the inner dialogue between the Self and the soul, and are highly valuable to others as a channel to their soul’s creativity. One of your superpowers is to help those around you breathe life into their dreams. Essentially, through your own natural process, you support others in living their purpose through the creative expression of their own gifts, reconnect them with their own genius and talents, and assist them in bringing their next profitable idea down to earth.

The Muse needs to be worshipped and adored. When she is, she will appear on call to pour her ingenious nectar into your next great idea for your business, art, or collaboration. When she is feeling unloved, however, she can become fickle, or disappear for long periods of time―so it’s essential to take time every day to listen to and follow her guidance.

The Muse is essential to creation, but may appear only fleetingly for those for whom she is not one of their Sacred Wealth Archetypes. Being a Muse, you know how to court her when she becomes elusive for others. You frequent the soul-inspired highway of ideas, and are familiar with all the back roads and on-ramps. You’re rarely at a loss for where to find the next great idea. That makes you one of the best collaborators that an artist, entrepreneur, or leader can have.

The Shadow of The Muse

The Inner Critic is the voice that doubts, judges, and criticizes the Muse’s unseen gifts. The Inner Critic seeks to control. Control is fear dressed up in logic, and seeks to squelch the Muse’s inspiration.

When you are in the shadow of the Muse, you may not trust yourself and your unseen gifts. You may let other people’s opinions rob you of your innate knowing, or feel unable to follow through on your divinely-inspired ideas. Jumping from one project to the next, frustrated and anxious, you may fail to bring anything to completion or reap the rewards of your creative work.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Muse, it’s important to take some time to get quiet and go within, so you can hear the voice of your soul louder than the ranting of your inner critic or the opinions of others.

High-Value Gifts

Inspired GeniusImaginativeChannel for Others’ Creative IdeasVisionaryCollaboratorOriginal Thinker

Inspired Action Plan

“I quiet my mind and open to my high-value gifts of soul inspiration to co-create my truth with the Universe and others.”

Tapping In With Your Muse

Consult with your Muse by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Muse’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Muse’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Muse Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Archetypes: Mystic

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The Mystic



The Mystic Training

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The Mystic



MANTRA: “I am spiritually wealthy.”

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for transcending the material world.

PURPOSE: To bridge the spiritual and material worlds to create true freedom for myself and humanity.

SHADOW: Isolation. Lack of Balance. Victimhood. Fantasy.

The Mystic is an unconventional, intuitive, and highly perceptive seeker who is acutely aware of embodying both the human and the Divine. Dedicated to the path of enlightenment, the Mystic’s primary purpose is to bridge the spiritual and material worlds, discover the “deeper meaning” in life, and experience true freedom.

As a Mystic, you may be known as a healer, seeker, inventor, artisan, spiritual leader, yogi, monk, astrologer, consultant, advisor, environmentalist, activist, researcher, or renunciate. You’re highly invested in spiritual wealth, and will let go of the material world to turn within and seek for spiritual treasure. In your quest for true freedom, transcendence is your soul’s primary motivation; you’re masterful at living from the inside out.

Life has taught you the value of detachment, and you walk lightly in the material world while remaining firmly rooted with the Divine. You know that it’s only the ego that experiences letting go as loss; you have learned to trust that, when you’re called to renounce in the material world, you will be repaid a thousand fold in the spiritual world.

You’re highly valued for the depth of insight you bring to every situation. You’re unconventional in your approach to life and business, and are known for your gift of innovation. You’re a visionary by nature, given to otherworldly perspectives and fluent in the energetics that lay behind the workings of the world. You’re masterful at transforming old forms to new, and bringing forth alternative solutions that others have not thought of.

You have a rebellious side, and can be a catalyst for social change. You’re designed to bring issues to the forefront, revolutionize them, shift them, and elevate the situation beyond the status quo. With your intuitive genius, you expertly illuminate the emerging qualities, ideas, and opportunities that are hidden beneath the surface of an issue. You have an eagle’s eye for detecting and unearthing toxicity, limiting beliefs, and patterns that are holding back people and organizations from integrity and truth.

The Shadow of The Mystic

You’re an introvert, and need ample time alone to attend to your inner life. However, you must be careful not to isolate yourself from the world. If you’re not actively engaged in your relationships and work, you will end up lonely and depressed.

You don’t ever feel completely at home in this physical world. This detachment from the material is part of what gives you your transcendent viewpoint. If you are not firmly connected with the Divine, though, this detachment will be lost, and you will slip into victimhood. Without your broader spiritual perspective, you will think your life is happening to you, rather than for you, and blame others for your circumstances.

You have a great imagination that allows you to entertain many possible realities. If you are ungrounded and not purposefully engaged in your life, you can end up stuck in your head with a distorted perception of life or spirituality. Living in this fantasy world may be fun for a while, but eventually you will have to deal with the harsh reality of loss and suffering that could have been avoided if you had been able to see clearly.

You are very sensitive, and if stressed, your focus can become too extreme in one domain. This can lead you to become seriously unbalanced. Much like an out-of-control race car, the other areas of your life will quickly crash and burn.

If you find yourself in the shadow of the Mystic’s energy, you have become disconnected from the awareness that you are both human and divine. It is time to reconnect through your spiritual practice and reengage with your worldly purpose. Get your feet on the ground in nature, move your body, and embrace your like-minded and like-hearted community.

High-Value Gifts

InnovativeIntuitiveCreative ThinkerDetachedGreat InsightTranscends Physical LimitationsHighly PerceptiveStrong “Detective” AbilitiesConnects the UnlikelyCreates New Ways of Doing Things

Inspired Action Plan

“I am present to both my inner and outer life so I can hone my high-value gifts to bridge the spiritual and material world and create freedom for myself and humanity.”

Tapping In With Your Mystic

Consult with your Mystic by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Mystic’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Mystic’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Mystic Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Archetypes: Organizer

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The Organizer



The Organizer Training

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The Organizer



MANTRA: “Everything has its rightful place.”

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for structuring energy and flow in practical form.

PURPOSE: To be aligned with divine order, and organize people, places, and things to support a higher quality of life.

SHADOW: Perfectionism. Stubbornness. Skepticism.

The Organizer is a practical, patient, reliable, and masterful steward who channels the energy of divine flow into practical form. As an Organizer, you are attuned to the art of manifestation through proper placement, and innately know that putting things in their rightful place simplifies life and creates freedom. You may be known as a coordinator, developer, arranger, facilitator, promoter, designer, consultant, instructor, coach, director, manager, or planner.

As an Organizer, you are intimately connected to the divine order which is at play in the Universe. You have an eagle’s eye for detail, and can connect resonant objects, people, and energies in ways that other people simply cannot. You have the high-value gift of assigning things their rightful place, especially in your chosen area of interest and expertise. Your superpower is sensing when something is missing; when it is, you can instinctually and immediately modify and restructure to promote the harmony and success of the whole.

You support people, businesses, and organizations in systematizing and grounding abstract ideas and concepts for practicality and profit. You’re respected for your unique genius of composing and implementing process-based actions that support smooth operations and successful outcomes. You’re a skilled problem solver with the exceptional ability to modify or restructure current systems to increase flow and make systems more user-friendly.

You have high standards and ideals, and are familiar with the fine line between great work and perfectionism. You expertly balance the process of creating the best solution with an imperative to bring a project to completion. Despite your high level of commitment to the task at hand, you practice detachment, and are humble enough to know that there are limits to what can be done with any set of conditions, resources, and time. As a result, you aim for simplicity, practicality, and longevity. When you hit your mark, you are thrilled to pieces―and when you have to compromise to get the job done, you surrender, make peace, and move on.

The Shadow of The Organizer

If you find yourself stuck in perfectionism, you have become too attached to your ideals and are stuck in the trap of “getting it right.” You are being driven by your ego to be hyper-focused on an unattainable outcome. In the grip of this relentless contraction―which shows up as tightness in your jaw and gut― you can become seriously uptight, and squeeze the life right out of your project, your team, and yourself. When this happens, something is bound to break or break down; chances are, it will be you.

You know that “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” However, when your will is not aligned with divine will, you will inevitably run into obstacles. More, you can become superlatively stubborn. This internal lockdown stops all forward momentum, and is frustrating not only for you, but for everyone you work with. When you are in a state of major resistance, you will not allow any new ideas or solutions to reach you; it’s your way or the highway. No matter how brilliant you are, if you can’t be flexible and solutions-oriented, no one will want to work with you.

It is good to look at things from all sides, and include possible failure scenarios in your calculations, but if you allow yourself to become too stressed or uptight you can become a major skeptic. Such a level of doubt will squeeze the life out of all possibilities, and render you unable to find the solutions you need. You’ll remain stuck and unproductive until you shift your attitude.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Organizer, chances are that you’re overworked, too attached to outcomes, and cut off from your soul. It’s time to put down “doing” and practice “being” so you can reconnect with divine order. You need to reconnect with Source and balance yourself through both meditation and a physical adventure like hiking, sailing, or traveling.

High-Value Gifts

DependableTrustworthyPerseverantHumbleHigh StandardsCompletes ProjectsSimplifies Systems, Structures, and ProceduresPractical-MindedProblem-SolverEye for DetailSystematicCreates Order Out of ChaosTurns Abstract Concepts Into Practical Action

Inspired Action Plan

“I align with divine order and practice detachment so that I can utilize my high-value gifts to design systems and structures that support bringing the energy of flow into practical form for a higher quality of life.”

Tapping In With Your Organizer

Consult with your Organizer by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Organizer’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Organizer’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Organizer Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Archetypes: Queen

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The Queen



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The Queen



MANTRA: “I am an empowered feminine leader.”

SOUL DESIRE: To wield power for positive growth and order.

PURPOSE: To create a successful and prosperous business, community, or family.

SHADOW: Unable to delegate. Being a dictator. Self-righteous. Tyrannical. Over-controlling.

The Queen is a wise, radiant, regal, and empowered divine feminine leader who is wise beyond her years. She is known as the boss, leader, CEO, politician, role model, manager, and public figure. She is on a mission, fully in charge of her domain; she knows the needs of her people and how to best lead them.

The Queen knows her value, and is potently tapped into the essence of prosperity. She enjoys the finer things in life with great reverence and appreciation. She is admired and respected as a courageous and loving leader, and is always comfortable on the big stage.

As a Queen, you take a stand for sovereignty in the way you lead and live your life. You are in touch with your authentic purpose, and regally take responsibility for it. You are tapped into the collective consciousness, and your mission reflects what is good for the collective. You are politically savvy and are skilled at dealing with public affairs.

You have a big vision for your mission that requires the service of others. One of your superpowers is to shine your light on the people that serve your mission, and bring out the best in them. You earn your team’s loyalty, trust, and devotion.

Queens are well-connected, and understand that while what you know is important, who you know is equally important. Your connections with the right people help you get things done quickly and easefully. Order is the upside of control; you’re a master of order, and skillfully take charge of establishing it. You have the capacity not only to see a vision, but also to see how it will be obtained. You take responsibility for the order in your domain.

The Shadow of The Queen

You are dedicated to achieving and obtaining the best of everything, but sometimes you can slip into being self-serving. This will make you into a control freak, because you want things done your way―and only your way. Or, you may lose the ability to delegate, because you don’t think anyone else can do it as well as you can.

If you are feeling self-righteous or acting like a dictator, you are taking yourself far too seriously. You’ve forgotten your dignity. You may be the leader, but it’s not all about you. If you stay stuck in this energy it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You will eventually lose your devoted team, and be left alone to do everything by yourself.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Queen’s energy, you are depleted and have become selfish. It is time to replenish your energy by indulging in some lavish self-care, reestablish your divine connection, and get intimate with the essence of your mission by remembering why it’s important to you.

High-Value Gifts

Leads from the HeartPerceptiveGenerousUplifts the MassesHas a Big VisionProtects OthersShines in the Public EyeInfluences Collective Change

Inspired Action Plan

“I honor my value and use my high-value gifts to confidently, compassionately, and nobly lead my mission to success.”

Tapping In With Your Queen

Consult with your Queen by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Queen’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Queen’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Queen Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Archetypes: Sage

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The Sage



The Sage Training

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The Sage



MANTRA: “The truth will set me free.”

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for truth and freedom.

PURPOSE: To use spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence to understand life and the world.

SHADOW: Righteous. Overconfident. Know-it-all.

The Sage is a wise, spiritual, and highly-intelligent guide who is connected to the deeper meaning in life and the world at large. The Sage can be known as an expert, advisor, scholar, counselor, professional, mentor, philosopher, researcher, healer, mystic, guru, or spiritual teacher.

As a Sage, you are in tune with the inner workings of the Universe, and devoted to truth and freedom for all. Being a gracious soul, you desire the same freedom, truth, and wealth that you want for yourself for everyone else in the world.

You are gifted with a brilliant consciousness, and see the big picture and abundant possibilities for yourself, others, and the world. You are dedicated to positive change and growth, both internally and externally. You have the unique gift of making large concepts easily understandable by grounding them in relatable principles and proven strategies that others can easily assimilate and make practical use of in their lives.

You are an eternal student of higher knowledge, and believe that “to know is to grow.” Wisdom is knowledge experienced. Others seek you out for both your knowledge and the wisdom in which you wrap that knowledge. Your superpower is helping others transcend life’s challenges; by helping them understand the underlying lessons of their experiences, you help them to grow mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, and gain a greater sense of peace and freedom.

The Sage is social by nature, and possesses a generous spirit and compassionate heart. You can’t help but uplift others with your sage advice―whether it’s on the job, through social conversations, or with your loved ones. You are a highly-valued advisor who simplifies and clarifies complex situations so that businesses, projects, relationships, and lives can be propelled into motion.

The Shadow of The Sage

The know-it-all has forgotten the power of being an eternal student of higher knowledge. When you are in this shadow space, you limit possibilities because you are too absorbed by your own brilliance to see the bigger picture. Because you “already know,” you limit your own access to the wisdom and knowledge you actually need to effectively solve the problem or mastermind the vision at hand. Plus, your arrogance can really piss people off.

Because you’re expansive by nature, you can easily get attached to having more, doing more, and making more. You can become overconfident in your speculations, and overextend yourself and your resources (and even the resources of others). When you finally break, you will go down in flames, and others will lose trust in you.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Sage, your ego is ruling your world. You’ve forgotten the true source of your knowledge and wisdom. It’s time to reconnect with the deep well of your wisdom by giving yourself the solitude to meditate, contemplate, and commune with the pure source of truth and freedom. Read soul-stimulating texts, and invite even more expansive knowledge to find you and move through you to serve the world.

High-Value Gifts

Wise TeacherHas a Huge VisionAdvisorCounselorMastermindExpert Problem SolverSimplifies Large Concepts

Inspired Action Plan

“I advance my high-value gift of wisdom by taking action on my knowledge to inspire and guide others to a deeper level of truth and freedom.”

Tapping In With Your Sage

Consult with your Sage by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Sage’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Sage’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Sage Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Archetypes: Strategist

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The Strategist



The Strategist Training

The Strategist Tapping In Questions

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The Strategist



MANTRA: “Every vision has a plan.”

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for planning, producing, and formulating better ways to realize a worthy mission.

PURPOSE: To help visions become successful missions through inspired action plans.

SHADOW: Self-centered. Over-competitive. Perfectionist.

The Strategist is a success-driven individual with the profound desire to support future growth. As a Strategist, you are highly gifted when it comes to devising strategic plans which align vision with action to create a better world.

You are ambitious, smart, passionate, decisive, technical, and on a path of personal precision. You’re often known as an architect, entrepreneur, technician, politician, boss, manager, CEO, militarist, planner, brander, designer, athlete, coach, salesperson, auditor, analyst, legislator, director, developer, agent, or tactician.

The work of Strategists can be seen everywhere in the world. You help to create a better future by empowering great thought with the deliberate, purposeful actions which create results.

You’re an instinctive groundbreaker and have the high-value currency of planning, designing, organizing, and charting future developments that meet the needs of progress. You take your inner direction from the divine mind, and turn it into outer direction in the world. You are outcome-oriented, and find finishing projects and achieving your goals deeply rewarding. You’re at home on the leading edge of future development, skillfully armed with the necessary data and always ready to take action. Your passion for improvement keeps the wheels of your calculating mind turning, and you’re always mapping new methods and systems to improve outcomes and bring plans to fruition.

As a Strategist, you are a masterful, innovative leader who has the unique genius of merging big-picture vision with strategic direction. You can create the necessary forms and functions for all types of projects, businesses, and organizations to succeed. You’re hardworking and agile, work well under pressure, and are a keen problem solver. Your out-of-the-box thinking makes it possible to get the job done even when events throw a wrench in the works.

You are artfully calibrated to the energy of creation and production. Self-reliant, self-motivated, and trustworthy, you’re a natural entrepreneur, but also a treasure chest of value to purpose-driven organizations and companies. You will prosper in a position that gives you the freedom to move according to your own internal vision and direction, while still serving a greater mission.

The Shadow of The Strategist

Because the first steps of your greatest work are constructed in the privacy of your mind, at times you may get locked away in the castle of your mind with the key nowhere in sight. If you start seeing yourself as a legend in your own mind, you can easily become arrogant and self-centered. When this happens, it’s easy for you to forget that you’re on a higher mission. Your ego will take over, edging out the Divine and the voice of your soul, and your carefully-constructed projects and teams will crumble.

When you’re stressed, you can become ungrounded, lose touch with your body, and forget to exercise. Your over-calculating mind will kick into high gear, and relentlessly drive you toward perfectionism. This need to be better and better will soon overshadow your truly great work. You’ll think yourself in circles instead of being productive and moving forward. Frustration and irritability will set in, and you will be too tangled in your what-ifs to implement your brilliant plans.

If you’re off purpose, your ambition can get the best of you, causing you to trade in your healthy competitive edge for aggression and chest-thumping. This causes conflicts instead of successes, burns bridges, and cripples your mission.

If you find yourself in the shadow of Strategist energy, you are cut off from the divine mind. Your ego is ruling your world. It is time to reconnect with your body through regular exercise, competitive or outdoor sports, and meditation or prayer. Remember why you are doing what you’re doing, and realign your body, mind, and spirit with your greater purpose and mission.

High-Value Gifts

DecisivePurpose-DrivenProductiveLeaderSelf-DirectedOut-of-the-Box ThinkerTechnicalOutcome-OrientedAchieves GoalsPlans Methods and Systems

Inspired Action Plan

“I maintain my divine connection so as to be guided by a higher power to employ my high-value gifts, create action plans to execute successful projects and missions, and create positive change in the world.”

Tapping In With Your Strategist

Consult with your Strategist by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Strategist’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Strategist’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Strategist Archetype Inspiration Guide

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SBP | Archetypes: Teacher

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The Teacher



The Teacher Training

The Teacher Tapping In Questions

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Get to Know Your Archetype

The Teacher



MANTRA: “To know is to grow.”

SOUL DESIRE: To illuminate and artfully communicate knowledge which uplifts humanity.

PURPOSE: To be a conduit for learning, growth, and change in the world.

SHADOW: Arrogant. Craves recognition. Overconfident. Manipulative. Controlling. Know-it-all.

As a Teacher, you are a creative communicator who believes that to know is to grow. Your desire is to share your knowledge, wisdom, experience, or skills with others.

You’re highly intelligent, kind, social, generous, and deeply dedicated to supporting others in the achievement of their goals. In addition to being a teacher, you may also be known as a mentor, coach, professional, lawyer, team leader, trainer, tutor, advocate, or counselor.

You recognize that you are a conduit for learning and growth, not the source of it. You are aware of the high-value currencies of understanding and communication, and have a unique ability to “turn on the light bulb” for others. You’re aware that people process information in different ways, and are masterful at simplifying complex concepts. You find creative ways to relate information so that your students can absorb, embody, and make practical use of the knowledge.

You’re a voracious learner, and have a wealth of knowledge to draw from. You can teach on many subjects. The Teacher understands that the “what” and “how” of a subject are not enough to keep students interested; they need to understand the “why” in order to fully embody the knowledge you are imparting, and remain engaged through the sometimes-challenging process of learning.

Teaching is a superpower that is not exclusive to formal schooling; it is valuable in all areas of life. Learning is what helps every person reach their higher potential. As a Teacher, you are a co-creator with the Divine, and a conduit to uplift humanity by providing the nourishment of knowledge that every mind, body, and soul needs to grow to the next level.

You attract new teaching opportunities by following your own hunger to learn more of what inspires you. You’re trusted by many, and can profit greatly through your generosity of giving what you know to whoever needs it―on or off the job.

The Shadow of The Teacher

If you don’t remember to put on your oxygen mask first and practice good self-care, you can burn out from supporting others. When you lose your connection with the divine, you may begin to believe that you know it all, or that you are the source of knowledge rather than simply the conduit. This leads to an arrogant, high-and-mighty way of being, and the need to be right while making others wrong. Such actions will, ultimately, cause you to fall from grace and lose the respect that others once had for you.

When you are stressed and attached to outcomes, you may have a tendency to try to control or manipulate others for your own benefit. This is soul-crushing for all parties involved.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Teacher, you are probably stressed, burned out, and far from being a divine co-creator for learning and growth. It’s time for you to have some fun, and rejuvenate with a soul-inspiring retreat that will reconnect you with the source of your being.

High-Value Gifts

KnowledgeableConnectiveGood CommunicatorInspiringPracticalWiseSupportiveStrong MentorTrustableStrong Presence

Inspired Action Plan

“I align with higher knowledge to nourish and grow myself first, and then use my unique genius of teaching to compassionately and generously serve others.”

Tapping In With Your Teacher

Consult with your Teacher by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Teacher’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Teacher’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Teacher Archetype Inspiration Guide

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Archetypes Member Content SBP

SBP | Archetypes: Visionary

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The Visionary



The Visionary Training

The Visionary Tapping In Questions

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Get to Know Your Archetype

The Visionary



MANTRA: “The world is filled with possibilities.”

SOUL DESIRE: To manifest future possibilities in the present to uplift the world.

PURPOSE: To illuminate possibilities and create a vision for the greater good.

SHADOW: Hubris. Overexpansion. Overly idealistic. Lack of action. Perfectionism.

The Visionary has the insight and wisdom to tap into higher potential and create innovative solutions for the greater good of all.

As a Visionary, you are attuned to the big picture, and are often known as an inventor, entrepreneur, consultant, designer, director, lawyer, writer, traveler, or mystic. You are both an introvert and an extrovert. You absorb information from the world, intuitively process it, and intellectually express your ideas.

You have an enlightened perspective and excel at anything that truly interests you. You’re an igniter, and your contagious enthusiasm for the next great vision readily attracts the support of others. A humanitarian at heart, you’re most inspired by projects that uplift humanity and achieve a collective goal.

You are idealistic, courageous, and optimistic, and live in a world of possibilities. Ideas are your currency, and you easily invent creative solutions on the spot. You’re curious and imaginative, with the superpower of improvisation. Problems and challenges are soul-satisfying opportunities for you to channel and implement your next brilliant idea. This makes you a highly-valuable advisor, counselor, consultant, or guide.

As a Visionary, you’re attuned to divine guidance and see the interconnectedness of all things. You’re an independent, free thinker, and―much like a computer processor―you think in systems. You can synthesize multiple data points at once, and can greatly profit from your ability to quickly illuminate new possibilities, solutions, and plans that are beyond the horizon of most people’s vision.

The Shadow of The Visionary

When stressed, the Visionary is plagued by perfectionism. You focus on the minor details that are not as important to the big picture, and therefore struggle to bring things to completion. You become overly idealistic, and are deluded in trying to measure your efforts against the impossible.

Hubris can get the best of you when you get caught in egotistical thinking. When you become self-centered, you can forget that it takes collaboration to bring a vision to fruition.

You’re a big thinker, but more is not always better. You can become “too big for your britches” when you are ungrounded and cut off from Divine guidance; this can lead you to expand your ideas to the point of ruin. You can lose money, your vision― even your loved ones.

If you find yourself in the Shadow of the Visionary, your vision is expanding out of control, so take the time you need to get grounded. Reconnect to your greater purpose, and ask with real curiosity, “What is my next baby step?” Once you return to Earth, you can take action to fulfill your vision with integrity.

High-Value Gifts

InnovationImprovisationMental BrillianceVisionaryEnlightened PerspectiveProblem-SolvingSociable NatureHumanitarianismCourageOptimism

Inspired Action Plan

“I tap into divine guidance, wisdom, and knowledge for a higher vision of greater good for the world. I stay committed to bring my vision to fruition.”

Tapping In With Your Visionary

Consult with your Visionary by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Visionary’s high-value gifts and talents?How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Visionary’s shadow energy are present in my life right now?How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Visionary Archetype Inspiration Guide

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