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Divinely Align 2023

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Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

Β©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

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Divinely Align Welcome Pages

Divinely Align 2023 β—ŠΒ Purchase Welcome

I am so excited to be you for Divinely Align
Astrology Forecast and Healing!

You have lifetime access to the class and resources. Check your inbox for the access details.

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Work with Prema

You came into this lifetime with everything you need to be, do, and have all that your heart desires.

Your bags are packed with tools, guides, and a soul blueprint.

At every step of the way, your soul is trying to guide you, planting signs along the way... you just need to learn to trust.

If you are ready to chart your path to purpose and prosperity... 

I will show you how!

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

Β©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved

Divinely Align Order Forms Products Sales Pages

Divinely Align 2023 [SALES & ORDER FORM] 3.0

Want to know how 2024 will play out for you?

We spend so much time preparing for the New Year.
The work we want to do.
The physical self care we want to experience.
The abundance we feel is ours to manifest.

And those are wonderful and practical desires...
What about the divine you, the soul level you, the guided you who longs for alignment, ease and grace in all areas of life?

This year why not put your Soul Blueprint first? And use the energy of the planets to guide your vision and healing.

Join me on the New Moon January 11th for a Live Vedic Astrology forecast and healing for successfully navigating the cosmic energy of 2024!

Special Offer of $55 (50% Off regular price)

RECORDING SENT TO ALL WHO REGISTER: Participating after the live session you will still get the guidance, healing and activation! Energy is encoded for those there and those who listen afterward... for all time to come.

Divine Preparation for a New Year!

During this session I will be revealing the most important dates for the major shifts of 2024 and what type of houses and areas of life those important shifts will be happening in for your sign.

I will lead us in a Healing and Visioning Meditation.
This will be intuitive guidance to move you to let go of your fears and doubts about your power as a creator, so that you have clarity as you dream your new year.

We are better together...when we gather in sacred community.

Experiencing insight, clarity, healing, releasing, and conscious creation of what's next with a group of like minded-hearted souls.

What's included:

Vedic Astrology Forecast for 2024β€”Class (2hr) Lifetime access to recording and resources. On the New Moon on January 11th at 3pm PT/6pm ET
The most important planetary shifts of 2024 including planetary retrogrades, eclipses, important dates and more.
Horoscopes for each of the 12 astrological signsβ€”Opportunities, spiritual lessons, changes and challenges to watch for.
Beautiful Cosmic Plannerβ€”Important planetary shifts dates and meaning by house for you. (Downloadable PDF)
A Sacred Healing Meditation for clarity and manifestation for a year of ease and grace. (Downloadable)
Your Vedic Astrology Chart.

[Full price $110] Special Offer 50% off - $55

*You will have lifetime access to the recording and resources. Participating after the live session does not mean you will not experience your activation. The energy is encoded for those here and those who listen afterward... for all time to come.

Divinely Align 2024

I'm Prema

Vedic Astrologer | Healer | Oracle

Using the ancient science of Vedic Astrology and my intuitive gifts I guide conscious visionaries to activate their divine gifts, heal their blocks, and align with their Sacred Wealth Code, so they can unlock their soul blueprint for purpose and prosperity.

I'm committed to creating a world where you are empowered from the inside out to live according to your soul blueprint: on purpose, in a way that is aligned with your high-value gifts and your birthright of true wealth. 

I'm the creator and the Award Winning author of Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity, Oracle Card Deck and Journal.

Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

Β©Copyright 2013-2024 | All Rights Reserved