Congratulations on taking this step to get to know all of your Archetypes and their superpowers - your highest-value gifts.

In a moment or two, you'll be getting an email with next steps, like a link to a short form you need to fill in so I can access your soul's blueprint. Plus, I've got a meditation and a training for you to go with the reading. It's all designed to help you get the most out of the information I get on your behalf.

Before you go, I have a special offer to upgrade your reading to a live, one-on-one session with me.

I Want Time With Prema.


gives you a chance to ask me questions about your soul blueprint and your Archetypes.

The session is for those who know they prefer having personal time with their mentors and are willing to invest a little bit more. I've always been that way, and you likely feel the same.

We'll meet either by phone or video conference. During our call, I will give you a deeper insight into who you are at a soul level, identify an action plan, and answer your questions about how to best use your Sacred Wealth Code. You will receive a recording of our time together, so you can revisit this important information when making future decisions.

The usual price for this Live reading is $397, but if you upgrade your reading right now you'll save $100.

Either way, knowing all of your Archetypes is foundational in living from purpose and creating wealth with your gifts. If you aren't interested in the upgrade, head over to your inbox now. The sooner I get the information I need from you the sooner you can party with your Archetypes!

With love,

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