Unlock The Power ~ and the gifts ~ In Your Shadow

Discover how to learn from and work with your shadow side so that it never blocks you from fully living your purpose and creating wealth.

Here's what you'll learn on this Masterclass:

Why your challenges are not all bad
What your shadow side is and why you must unlock it to activate your purpose and create the wealth you desire
How your shadow blocks you from being seen for your brilliance
The unseen value in your shadow and the gift it has for you
How to identify and shift the #1 block that has held you back from giving your greatest gifts to the world
Why now is the time more than ever to step out of the shadow and into the light

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Hosted By
Prema Lee Gurreri

Not all challenges are bad! 
And the shadow is waiting for the light to return.

Let me introduce you to the simple ways to recognize which challenges are which and how to bring the light whenever you need to.

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And, like all superheros, 
you also have challenges.

Sometimes the challenges run the show and you forget you've got what it takes to keep going,
never mind superpowers!

Sometimes you recognize the challenge for what it is, the flip side of one of your gifts.

Awareness is the first step in dealing with challenges but where's the challenge resolution manual?

Besides, life is busy. We are over-extended, our energy and attention are pulled in all directions.
Who wants to take on inner work on top of all of that?

It's easier to stuff the feelings, ignore the shadow, and move on.

You and I both know how that ends.


Eventually you may find yourself repeating patterns of self-sabotage, limitation, frustration and fear. 

If you feel like your challenges are in charge more than your superhero, and you are ready to discover the gifts hidden in them, then I invite you to join me for this 60-minute Masterclass.


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