Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes

The Leader



Get to Know Your Archetype

The Leader



MANTRA: "I lead from the heart."

SOUL DESIRE: To live up to your highest potential and guide others to theirs for the greatest good of all.

PURPOSE: To live in the present, free from the past, and to create an ideal future.

SHADOW: Arrogant. Narcissistic. Addicted to power. Over-controlling.

The Leader is an inspiring, confident, purposeful person with the clarity to courageously lead others toward a better future.

As a Leader, you embody the true essence of leadership, in that you guide by example and teach others to lead themselves. You have a vision; therefore, you can help others create a vision, and inspire them to align with your goals. You’re in authentic partnership with the Divine and the world, and are often known as a CEO, Consultant, Director, President, spiritual leader, thought leader, parent, coach, mentor, entrepreneur, teacher, trainer, manager, team leader, planner, recruiter, chief, or executive. You are found in every profession and walk of life.

You are brilliant, heart-centered, and lead from the inside out by tapping into divine guidance, trusting your intuition, and being an authentic expression of your most valued gifts and talents. You are passionate about developing people, and know that true fulfillment comes from genuinely being valued. You expertly build a secure structure where your team is using their most valued gifts to achieve more than they believe is possible while contributing to the success of the whole. You’re united, and they’re committed to moving your mission forward as if it was their own.

As a Leader you are present, soul aligned, flowing with new ideas, and on the leading edge of your movement. You have the superpower of solving complex problems; you always know just what to do and how to do it. You find soul satisfaction in taking matters into your own hands, leaning into challenges, and becoming the solution to the problem. You often work harder than everyone else, and you always do the right thing, even when it’s difficult or unpopular.

You are humble, put others first, are willing to serve, and have the superpowers of deep listening, inspiring others, and empowerment. You are attuned to a higher potential for all and believe in a shared mission and success, so you guide people to places where they would not go alone.

The Shadow of The Leader

You are better than most at what you do, but if you let it go to your head your ego will stroke you into arrogance. Unfortunately, you’ll believe that you are better than everyone, and that all beings are below you. This puts a big chasm between you and your team, and breeds serious mistrust.

If fear has its grip on you, you’ve lost your connection with the Divine. You can become addicted to power―and, like other addicts, can delude yourself into thinking that more is always better. You’ll become a workaholic, your inspiration will dry up, and you’ll isolate yourself―especially if your mindset shifts to a point where both power and responsibility feel like yours and yours alone.

When you are stressed, you can be over-controlling. When this happens, it may feel impossible for your team to trust you or be led by you. You will literally squeeze the life out of your mission.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Leader, you’ve lost your connection to the source of your being and put your ego in charge. It’s time for a serious break to get back to the roots of whatever spiritual practice keeps you tuned in and present. Take a personal retreat, travel, or do something fun and creative to help you realign and reconnect with your purpose and mission before returning to work.

High-Value Gifts

Problem Solving
Has a Big Vision
Creates a Supportive Environment for Success
Consistent and Trustworthy
Leads by Example
Clearly Communicates
Inspires Others to Action
Sees Others' Strengths
Magnetizes Alignment with Mission

Inspired Action Plan

“I practice presence to be divinely aligned with my high-value gifts and live into my greater potential while courageously leading others to theirs.”

Tapping In With Your Leader

Consult with your Leader by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Leader's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Leader's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Leader Archetype Inspiration Guide

About Prema

Leading Vedic Astrologer | Author & Creator of Your Sacred Wealth Code

Also Know as The Secret Behind Successful Women

Prema's expertise lies in unlocking each person's soul blueprint for purpose and prosperity, guiding them towards their fullest potential.

Her approach is not just transformative; it's revolutionary. She doesn't just guide you towards success - she helps you redefine success on your own terms.

Prema shows up authentically -- fun, powerful and spicy, delivering the truth straight from the heart that dissolves barriers and moves you to elevate your life and business.

As the creator and award-winning author of "Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity," Prema offers a comprehensive suite of tools including a book, oracle card deck, and journal. These resources empower individuals to tap into their innate gifts and align with their true calling.

Sacred Wealth Code Reading

Did you know there are 3-5 Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes in your unique Sacred Wealth Code?

Sacred Wealth Code® Personal Reading will help you harness the power of your most valued GIFTS, so you can get out of your own way to attaining abundance and answering your soul's true calling.

This reading could be the ONE THING that you need to align yourself, and your work with the prosperity, purpose, and success already drawn for you!

This is a one-time special offer for $47 (over 50% off the regular price of $97)

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