Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes

The Communicator



Get to Know Your Archetype

The Communicator



MANTRA: "Words have power."

SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for clarity and growth.

PURPOSE: To speak the truth, and illuminate clarity and understanding for the positive growth of humanity.

SHADOW: Overwhelmed. Sarcastic. Blunt. Pessimistic.

The Communicator knows the power of words to educate,  inform, uplift, grow, transcend, open possibilities, and connect to the truth. The Communicator gathers, processes, and shares information to help uplift humanity.

Communicators are process-oriented and found in all walks of like and professions. As a Communicator, you may be known as a psychologist, counselor, writer, facilitator, mediator, comedian, interpreter, editor, PR person, social media expert, salesperson, or astrologer. Your word is as good as gold, and you expertly use it to share ideas, information, and concepts which help others evolve and grow.

You are friendly, open, clear, direct, and connected to divine truth. All forms of verbal and nonverbal language are your currency. You are gifted with the universal language of metaphor. You have the unique genius to distill and synthesize complex subjects, broad themes, and big-picture ideas, and make them easily understood. This is healing and transformative for others.

You're also gifted with the mindful, Buddha-like energy of discernment and discrimination. This helps you break attachments to what no longer serves, positively re-frame difficult situations, and move on to whatever life has to offer next. This gift is of highest value when you serve others in their growth and development.

You have the superpower of deep listening, and can hear and address the true message of what's being said, even when the speaker is stifled in their expression. You speak from the heart, and can put words to things others can't. You facilitate finding common ground and creating unity.

The Communicator knows a lot of people, and is an innate networker. You can greatly profit from your alchemical genius of putting information, people, and things together in brilliant ways that no one else has considered before.

The Shadow of The Communicator

If you are in the shadow energy of the Communicator, your words can be blunt, like cudgels, or razor-sharp sarcastic with the power to cut another down. Your words can do more harm than good. If you don't check yourself, you can hurt those you love and care about.

If you are unfocused, multi-tasking too much, or involved in too many projects, you will end up overwhelmed. Trying to process too much at once leaves you all over the map, and not achieving any of your goals.

When stressed, you mentally spin, and are negative and pessimistic. You're in a fog, and don't see or translate things clearly. This leads to major breakdowns in communication and painful misinterpretations and misunderstandings.

If you find yourself in the shadow of The Communicator, you have too many plates in the air, or are trying to be too many things to too many people. It's time to take some personal time to quiet your mind with meditation, deep relaxation, and time in nature; once you reboot your mindfulness and restore your clarity, your brilliant mind will put everything in order once again.

High-Value Gifts

Deep Listener
Gifted Writer
Gifted Speaker
Mental Brilliance
Catalyst for Growth

Inspired Action Plan

"I am committed to practicing presence and mindfulness so I can continue to grow and dedicate my high-value gifts to serve the growth and evolution of humanity."

Tapping In With Your Communicator

Consult with your Communicator by meditating and journaling on the following questions to activate your unique high-value gifts and talents.

What are my Communicator's high-value gifts and talents?
How can I use these high-value gifts and talents in my current work or the work I want to be doing?
What is one inspired action I can take today to do that?

Coming Out of the Shadows

What aspects of The Communicator's shadow energy are present in my life right now?
How does this shadow energy affect my connection to and expression of my divine purpose?
What is one inspired action I can take today to release this shadow energy?

The Communicator Archetype Inspiration Guide

About Prema

Vedic Astrologer | Healer | Business Consultant

Prema Lee Gurreri is committed to creating a world where everyone is empowered to live according to their soul blueprint: on purpose, in a way that is aligned with their high-value gifts and their birthright of true wealth.

Prema guides and teaches entrepreneurs, visionaries, and change agents to lead with their unique, divine gifts and talents, and fully align with their purpose and passion to create wealth for themselves and the world simply by being who they are and doing what they love to do.

Prema is the Multi Aware Winning author of Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity and Oracle Card Deck. Her eight awards include: PRODUCT OF THE YEAR and GOLD MEDAL FOR CONTEMPORARY SPIRITUALITY IN BOOKS 2018.

Sacred Wealth Code Reading

Did you know there are 3-5 Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes in your unique Sacred Wealth Code?

Sacred Wealth Codeยฎ Personal Reading will help you harness the power of your most valued GIFTS, so you can get out of your own way to attaining abundance and answering your soul's true calling.

This reading could be the ONE THING that you need to align yourself, and your work with the prosperity, purpose, and success already drawn for you!

This is a one-time special offer for $47 (over 50% off the regular price of $97)

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